This report, prepared for Eco-Atlantic, an oil and gas exploration company, addresses the public relations and ethical challenges associated with drilling in the Stabroek block offshore Guyana. The report details the company's application for permits amidst opposing campaigns and includes an analysis of ethical issues and conflicts, such as breaking laws, recommended agents, and local content requirements. It examines internal and external influential factors like government agreements, political tensions, and environmental impacts. The report emphasizes key values such as advocacy, honesty, expertise, loyalty, and fairness, as outlined by the PRSA code of ethics. It identifies affected parties, including the local government, workforce, and community, and discusses ethical principles like honesty, loyalty, integrity, and fairness. The rationale for decisions focuses on navigating the opposition, understanding decision-making entities, and adhering to ethical standards. The report also acknowledges the importance of due diligence, corporate policies, and local content necessities. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and strategies Eco-Atlantic must consider to successfully navigate its operations in Guyana.