This report provides an overview of Nursing Informatics (NI), emphasizing the application of information technology and computer science within nursing practice. It highlights the role of electronic health records (EHR) in improving data management, patient safety, and healthcare quality. The report discusses the application areas of NI, including clinical practice, management, education, and research, while also acknowledging nurses' concerns about EHR design and implementation. It references key studies and articles that explore the challenges and opportunities of EHR, such as interoperability and the need for nursing input in technology design. The document underscores the importance of addressing issues related to healthcare technology to ensure the effective integration of informatics into nursing practice, ultimately aiming to enhance patient care and improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery. Furthermore, the report also mentions the need for digitalization and synchronization of prescription, dispensing, transcription and administration to combine bar code administration technology and real-time medication monitoring, improved adverse drug event warnings and data on negative event monitoring.