This report examines the qualifications and experiences that employers seek from corporate accountants, based on an analysis of job advertisements from online portals such as Indeed and Seek. The report covers various accounting roles, including senior financial accountant, tax accountant, and corporate financial accountant, and identifies key skills and attributes employers value. The methodology involves collecting and evaluating numerous job postings to assess the required qualifications, experience, and personal attributes. The analysis includes a breakdown of the organizations posting the advertisements, industry trends, and specific job titles. The report also delves into the personal attributes sought in corporate accountants, such as constant learning, creativity, organizational skills, initiative, commercial experience, collaboration, communication, flexibility, and integrity. Furthermore, the report details the required skills, including innovation, strong organizational skills, commercial awareness, integrity, commitment to professional development, and structured work habits. The report aims to provide a clear understanding of the expectations of the employers, aligning with the learning objectives and subject contents of the corporate accounting course. The report concludes by summarizing the key findings and highlighting the essential qualifications and experiences needed for success in the field.