This report analyzes the potential legal risks XYZ faces regarding employment law, specifically focusing on the Equality Act 2010. The case involves the hiring of Mike Replica and the rejection of three other candidates, potentially leading to claims of age, sex, and race discrimination by Julie Keene, Aldo Viscida, and Derek Constant, respectively. The report details potential claims, referencing relevant legal precedents and outlining the possible penalties. Furthermore, it examines the defenses available to XYZ, including the concept of occupational requirements and the justification of proportionate means. The report assesses the strength of each potential case, considering factors such as the company's ability to demonstrate legitimate aims and the evidence supporting their decisions. Finally, it highlights the risks associated with Mike Replica's proposed changes to payment arrangements, potential dismissals, and medical examinations. The report underscores the importance of a thorough and legally sound decision-making process to mitigate the risk of employment law violations.