This report provides a comprehensive overview of the history of the European Union (EU) and its legal framework. It begins with the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1952 and the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957, detailing their objectives and institutional structures. The report then traces the expansion of the EU, the key treaties like the Treaty of Maastricht (TEU), the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Treaty of Nice, and the Lisbon Treaty, highlighting their significant amendments and impact on the EU's structure and functions. It also explores the Charter of Fundamental Rights and discusses the process of Brexit and its implications. The scope of EU law, its various sources including primary and secondary legislation, case laws, and non-binding acts are thoroughly examined. The evolution of the EU from its inception to its current state, emphasizing the growth in legal and fundamental rights for citizens, is also analyzed. Finally, the report addresses the impact of Brexit on the applicability of EU laws and the need for new international agreements for the UK.