This report addresses the research question of whether inexperienced newly graduated nurses should be assigned to care for terminally ill patients. It provides an evidence-based literature review, framing the research question, evaluating relevant literature, and utilizing a step-by-step process. The report highlights the challenges faced by newly graduated nurses in palliative care, emphasizing the need for training within the nursing curriculum. The methodology includes a PICOT framework to structure the research question and database searches using CINAHL and PubMed. The search strategy focuses on key terms such as 'Palliative Care,' 'Terminally Ill,' and 'Care Giver,' using operators like AND and OR, as well as techniques such as truncation, phrase searching, and wildcards to broaden and narrow the search results. The report includes a table illustrating the PICO components and search results from PubMed, showcasing the process of refining the search strategy to identify relevant literature. References to key resources like the ANA Centre of Ethics and Human Rights and NYU Libraries are also included.