This report delves into the motivating factors that influence individuals to pursue careers in hotel management. It begins with an introduction outlining the background, rationale, aim, objectives, and research questions. The literature review explores current trends in the UK hotel industry, different theories of motivation, and motivational factors influencing career choices. The research methodology section details the research type, design, philosophy, approach, data collection methods, sampling techniques, and data analysis. The report also includes a discussion of validity, reliability, and limitations. The study aims to assess current trends, determine motivational factors, and provide recommendations for career development in hotel management. The report covers key aspects of the hospitality sector, including employment opportunities, financial growth, and the evolving perceptions of the industry. The structure of the dissertation includes chapters on introduction, literature review, research methodologies, data analysis and findings, and conclusions and recommendations. The literature review includes secondary sources such as books, journals and research papers which develop deeper insight among the researcher about the subject area. The report is structured to provide a systematic investigation of past studies and scholarly papers relevant to the topic.