This report comprehensively examines financial resource management, focusing on the sources of finance for both incorporated and unincorporated businesses, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and registered companies. It assesses the implications of various funding sources, such as owner's funds, loans from relatives, bank loans, and the issuance of equity shares, preference shares, and debentures. The report analyzes the costs associated with different financing options, considering factors like tax, dividends, and interest, while also highlighting the benefits of financial planning. Furthermore, it explores the financial impact of various investment scenarios, including takeovers financed by partners, finance brokers, and venture capitalists, as well as the impact on financial statements. The report includes a cash budget analysis for Clariton Antiques Limited, along with recommendations for costing and pricing models. Finally, it provides a comparative analysis of financial statements, contrasting those of Clariton Antiques Limited with those of sole proprietorships and partnerships, while also comparing the company's financial performance over time.