FNS40815 - Loan Application Preparation: ANZ Mortgage Broking Details


Added on  2023/06/14

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Loan IntervIew DIary note
Name(s) of customer(s) present
Location of interview
Were all applicants interviewed in person?
If not, please indicate who was Y N
Do all of the customers appear to clearly
understand English? Y N
If No to above, have the services of an
interpreter been recommended? Y N
Do all of the customers clearly benefit from
taking out this loan? Y N
If No to above question, what enquiries have been made to ascertain the
level of benefit to each party to the loan?
Provide details of any other pertinent information obtained during the loan
interview which may be of interest to ANZ or any unusual circumstances y
may wish to record
approveD orIgInator DetaILs anD authorIsatIon
Approved Originator Company/ Firm Name
Title and Name
Preferred Number
Phone Number Fax Number
Authorised Officer/Contact Name Date Sent
appLIcant summary
Applicant’s Name
Nominated ANZ Branch for Loan Account (if unknown, insert suburb)
BSB: 01 -
Has the customer completed the Customer Identification Procedure at an
ANZ Branch? (ANZ cannot settle the loan until this requirement is met)
Yes No
Finance Clause Expiry Date
Estimated Settlement Date
to: anZ Broker unit
vIc, QLD, tas, nsw, act, sa, nt
Locked Bag 9
collins st west post office
melbourne vIc 8007
ph: 1800 812 785
FaX: 1800 501 231
Level 9, exchange plaza
sherwood court
perth, wa 6000
ph: 1300 367 389
FaX: 1300 369 891
anZ mortgage Broker Distribution – Loan application Cover Sheet
please complete entire application in BLocK letters.
Lo Doc 60 Lock Rate
The ANZ Lock Rate Fee Payment
Authorisation Form MUST be
First Home Buyer Interest in Advance
Mortgage Benefits
(complete 2.3.1 Portfolio Details
and Sub-account selection)
Breakfree Customer
(complete 2.4 Breakfree Application
Multi-settlement - there
will be more than one
settlement date.
Office Use Only
Number of pages included
Business Development Manager
I confirm that the information contained within this application is true and
ANZ Approved Originator’s Signature Date

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2.1 anZ mortgage – Loan application
Personal and Employment Details (p1 of 2)
personaL DetaILs prImary appLIcant personaL DetaILs co-appLIcant
Applicant Director/ Partner Guarantor Trustee Applicant Director/ Partner Guarantor Trustee
Title Surname Title Surname
First name Middle name First name Middle name
(Please note: this name appears on the Letter of Offer) (Please note: this name appears on the Letter of Offer)
Date of birth Gender Permanent Australian Date of birth Gender Permanent Australian
Drivers licence number State Drivers licence number State
Current housing situation Current housing situation
Boarding Own home Renting With parents Caravan Boarding Own home Renting With parents Caravan
Other: Other:
Marital Status Single Married or Defacto Marital Status Single Married or Defacto
Name of spouse Name of spouse
No. of dependants Age (in years) of dependant children No. of dependants Age (in years) of dependant children
Home Phone Number Business Phone Number Home Phone Number Business Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number Fax Number Mobile Phone Number Fax Number
aDDress DetaILs (mInImum 2 year hIstory) aDDress DetaILs (mInImum 2 year hIstory)
Current Address: Street (No. & Name) Current Address: Street (No. & Name)
Suburb State Suburb State
Postcode Country Postcode Country
Years Months Years Months
(If less than 2 years, previous address must also be included) (If less than 2 years, previous address must also be included)
Previous Address Details Previous Address Details
Street (No. & Name) Street (No. & Name)
Suburb State Suburb State
Postcode Country Postcode Country
maILIng aDDress DetaILs (IF DIFFerent) maILIng aDDress DetaILs (IF DIFFerent)
Street (No. & Name) Street (No. & Name)
Suburb State Suburb State
Postcode Country Postcode Country
02 94009900 02 9200 1111
0400 100 156
Melissa Cooper
Unit 2, 27 High St.
NSW. 2080 Australia
Mackville NSW
5 0
02 94009900
0400 100 156
0400 100 156
Unit 2, 27 High St.
Mackville NSW
AustraliaNSW. 2080
5Time and Current Address Time and Current Address 0
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empLoyment DetaILs (mInImum 2 year hIstory) empLoyment DetaILs (mInImum 2 year hIstory)
Employment type Employment type
Full Time Part Time Casual Full Time Part Time Casual
Self Employed Not Employed Self Employed Not Employed
Occupation Occupation
Currently under a probationary periodYes No Currently under a probationary periodYes No
Length of probationary period Length of probationary period
Current Employer’s Name Current Employer’s Name
Street (No. & Name) Street (No. & Name)
Suburb State Suburb State
Postcode Country Postcode Country
Phone Number Fax Number Phone Number Fax Number
Time at current employer Years Months Time at current employer Years Months
(If less than 2 years, previous employer must also be included) (If less than 2 years, previous employer must also be included)
Previous Employer Previous Employer
Occupation Occupation
Time at current employer Years Months Time at current employer Years Months
2.1 anZ mortgage – Loan application
Personal and Employment Details (p2 of 2)
Service Service
Gaines Consulting Pty. Ltd Jackson Equipment Hire Pty Ltd
12 8
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pLease photocopy For aDDItIonaL securItIes
securIty DetaILs – one securIty DetaILs – two
Security type Security type
Registered Mortgage 2nd Mortgage Guarantee Registered Mortgage 2nd Mortgage Guarantee
Other Other
Security given by Security given by
Current Address: Street (No. & Name) Current Address: Street (No. & Name)
Suburb State Suburb State
Postcode Country Postcode Country
Property Purchase Y N On Market Transaction Y N Property Purchase Y N On Market Transaction Y N
Off the Plan Y N Off the Plan Y N
Property Status Property Status
Established New To be Built Vacant Land Established New To be Built Vacant Land
Property Tenure Property Use Property Tenure Property Use
Freehold Leasehold Other Owner Investment Freehold Leasehold Other Owner Investment
Property Zoning Property Zoning
Commercial Industrial Residential Rural Commercial Industrial Residential Rural
Rural Life Rural Residential Other Rural Life Rural Residential Other
Property Type Property Type
Standard Residential Standard Residential
Studio / Warehouse Apartments Studio / Warehouse Apartments
Multi-dwellings on One Title Multi-dwellings on One Title
1 Bedroom small sized (<40m2) 1 Bedroom small sized (<40m2)
Hotel/Motel Re-Development (Residential-Strata Title) Hotel/Motel Re-Development (Residential-Strata Title)
University Apartments/Student Accommodation (>50m2) University Apartments/Student Accommodation (>50m2)
Rural Residential Housing/Rural Housing (>10 hectares) Rural Residential Housing/Rural Housing (>10 hectares)
Vacant Land Vacant Land
ACT Leasehold ACT Leasehold
Property Development Property Development
Company Title Units Company Title Units
Title Type Title Details Title Type Title Details
Torrens Old Law Torrens Old Law
Security Value Guarantee Amount Security Value Guarantee Amount
$ $ $ $
Contract of Sale Held Y N Contract of Sale Date Contract of Sale Held Y N Contract of Sale Date
Construction Loan Y N Construction Loan Y N
soLIcItor DetaILs
Name Address
Company Suburb State
Phone Number Fax Number Postcode Country
2.2 anZ mortgage – Loan application Security Details

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pLease photocopy For separate purpose
Portfolio – Please download and complete 2.3.1 ANZ Mortgage Distribution – Loan Application Portfolio Details and Sub-account selection.
Loan DetaILs - one Loan DetaILs - two
Product and Amount Product and Amount
$ $
Loan term sought (this loan) years Loan term sought (this loan) years
Fixed Rate term (if applicable) years Fixed Rate term (if applicable) years
Lock Rate Y N Progressive Draw Y N Lock Rate Y N Progressive Draw Y N
NOTE: Rate is not locked until payment of the Lock Rate Fee is received by ANZNOTE: Rate is not locked until payment of the Lock Rate Fee is received by ANZ
Interest-Only term (if applicable) years Interest-Only term (if applicable) years
Repayments frequency Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Repayments frequency Weekly Fortnightly Monthly
Frequency for RIL Interest-in-Advance only Frequency for RIL Interest-in-Advance only
Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Annually Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Annually
Statement cycle Statement cycle
Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly
Security to Product (address) Security to Product (address)
Fee DIsBursement Fee DIsBursement
Capitalised Lenders Mortgage Insurance Y N Capitalised Lenders Mortgage Insurance Y N
(If you choose ‘Y’ the LMI will be automatically (If you choose ‘Y’ the LMI will be automatically
added to the loan amount requested) added to the loan amount requested)
NOTE: All Bank, Security/Government fees and charges and Lenders MortgageNOTE: All Bank, Security/Government fees and charges and Lenders Mortgage
Insurance (if applicable) will be deducted from the total loan amount requestedInsurance (if applicable) will be deducted from the total loan amount requested and
and automatically disbursed at Settlement (unless Lock Rate selected). automatically disbursed at Settlement (unless Lock Rate selected).
reFInance DetaILs (IF appLIcaBLe)
Other Financial Institution (OFI) Other Financial Institution (OFI)
OFI Account Number OFI Amount OFI Account Number OFI Amount
portFoLIo DetaILs
Primary Purpose: Purchase Est. Dwelling Purchase New Dwelling Re-finance Supplementary Other
Detailed Description
Portfolio Credit Limit Sought
Approval in Principle Sought
Portfolio Descriptor Portfolio Statement Cycle Portfolio Term (if required)
Monthly Quarterly years
Lenders Mortgage Insurance – Where LMI is applicable, it will be charged to the Primary Sub-account when the Portfolio Facility is activated.
anZ mortgage – Loan application Loan Selection
Loan DetaILs
Loan Purpose
Purchase Land Purchase New Dwelling
Home Improvement Bridging
Refinance Supplementary
Construction Debt Purchase (QLD only)
Purchase Established Dwelling
Loan type
Owner Occupied Investment
Loans in a company/Trust name Land
Standard Variable Simplicity PLUS
Fixed Rate Equity Manager
Equity Manager – no cheque
NOTE: Please specify product for split loan under Loan Details.
Total Amount Sought Approval in Principle Sought
$ANZ Standard Variable home loan
Standard Variable Standard Variable
240,000 240,000
25 25
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2.3.1 anZ mortgage – Loan application
Portfolio Facility – Sub-account selection (p1 of 2)
eQuIty manager account prImary suB-account DetaILs – one
Credit Limit ($0 limit is acceptable) Term of Sub-account (if applicable – this can not exceed the Portfolio Term
Primary Purpose: Purchase Est. Dwelling Purchase New Dwelling Re-finance Supplementary Other
Detailed Description
suB-account DetaILs - two suB-account DetaILs - three
Home Loan Residential Investment Loan Home Loan Residential Investment Loan
proDuct proDuct
Home Loan Fixed Equity Manager Home Loan Fixed Equity Manager
Primary Purpose: Primary Purpose:
Purchase Est. Dwelling Purchase New Dwelling Purchase Est. Dwelling Purchase New Dwelling
Re-finance Supplementary Other Re-finance Supplementary Other
Detailed Description Detailed Description
Amount Amount
$ $
Term of Sub-account Term of Sub-account
years years
(if applicable – this can not exceed the Portfolio Term) (if applicable – this can not exceed the Portfolio Term)
Term of Sub-account I/O Term Term of Sub-account I/O Term
years years years years
Int-in-Adv (annually)Lock Rate Y N Int-in-Adv (annually) Lock Rate Y N
Prog Draw Y N Prog Draw Y N
NOTE: Rate is not locked until payment of the Lock Rate Fee is received by ANZNOTE: Rate is not locked until payment of the Lock Rate Fee is received by ANZ
Repayment Frequency: Repayment Frequency:
Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly
Sub-account holders: Sub-account holders:
reFInance DetaILs (IF appLIcaBLe) reFInance DetaILs (IF appLIcaBLe)
Name of Other Financial Name of Other Financial
Institution (OFI): Institution (OFI):
OFI Account Number: OFI Account Number:
OFI Amount: OFI Amount:
$ $
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suB-account DetaILs - Four suB-account DetaILs - FIve
Home Loan Residential Investment Loan Home Loan Residential Investment Loan
proDuct proDuct
Standard Variable Fixed Equity Manager Standard Variable Fixed Equity Manager
Primary Purpose: Primary Purpose:
Purchase Est. Dwelling Purchase New Dwelling Purchase Est. Dwelling Purchase New Dwelling
Re-finance Supplementary Other Re-finance Supplementary Other
Detailed Description Detailed Description
Amount Amount
$ $
Term of Sub-account Term of Sub-account
years years
(if applicable – this can not exceed the Portfolio Term) (if applicable – this can not exceed the Portfolio Term)
Term of Sub-account I/O Term Term of Sub-account I/O Term
years years years years
Int-in-Adv (annually)Lock Rate Y N Int-in-Adv (annually) Lock Rate Y N
Prog Draw Y N Prog Draw Y N
NOTE: Rate is not locked until payment of the Lock Rate Fee is received by ANZNOTE: Rate is not locked until payment of the Lock Rate Fee is received by ANZ
Repayment Frequency: Repayment Frequency:
Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly
Sub-account holders: Sub-account holders:
reFInance DetaILs (IF appLIcaBLe) reFInance DetaILs (IF appLIcaBLe)
Name of Other Financial Name of Other Financial
Institution (OFI): Institution (OFI):
OFI Account Number: OFI Account Number:
OFI Amount: OFI Amount:
$ $
2.3.1 anZ mortgage – Loan application
Portfolio Facility – Sub-account selection (p2 of 2)

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2.4 anZ mortgage – Loan application ANZ Breakfree Package (p1 of 3)
to Be compLeteD onLy For anZ BreaKFree pacKage
thIs Form must Be compLeteD In FuLL to ensure eFFIcIent processIng
Application Number (Staff use only)Existing ANZ Breakfree Package CustomerY N
Total Lending (new and existing): $250,000 OR $700,000
Mobile Lender/ Approved Originator Details
AO-SAO/TPMI Phone Number Fax Number
1) appLIcant DetaILs (pLease photocopy For aDDItIonaL appLIcants)
Applicant 1
Full Name
Address / Street Name State Postcode Country
Applicant 2
Full Name
Address / Street Name State Postcode Country
Applicant 3
Full Name
Address / Street Name State Postcode Country
Applicant 4
Full Name
Address / Street Name State Postcode Country
Applicant 5
Full Name
Address / Street Name State Postcode Country
2) nomInatIon oF manDatory accounts
I/We nominate the following Mandatory Accounts, as specified in section 2A, 2B and 2C. (Please note that each applicant under the ANZ Break
must be an account holder (either jointly or alone) for at least one of the nominated Mandatory Accounts. Refer to the ANZ Breakfree Terms a
a description of Mandatory Accounts.)
2a) manDatory mortgage LenDIng account(s)
List all existing ANZ Mortgage Loans under ANZ Breakfree to be eligible for Total Lending Discounts
Account Holder(s) Account Number Current Loan Balance
Total ANZ Mortgage Lending
2B) manDatory transactIon account (pLease seLect one)
Note: The Annual package fee will be charged to your mandatory transaction account once your loan is drawn. Transaction account must be
Advantage account, ANZ One account or ANZ Equity Manager facility.
I/We will need to open a new transaction account as part of this I/We nominate the following ANZ Transaction
Package (please contact an ANZ Branch to organise; transactionOR Account as part of this Package:
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Account Number Account Holder(s)
Optional ANZ Assured facility (please select one)
1) I/We do not require an ANZ Assured facility
2) I/We require an ANZ Assured facility with a credit limit of $1,000 and request that it be linked to the above account
3) I/We already have $1,000 ANZ Assured facility OR I/we require a limit increase on my/our ANZ Assured facility to $1,000
I/We acknowledge that the ANZ Terms and Conditions govern any use of an ANZ Assured facility. If ANZ accepts my/our application for ANZ
Assured, I/we understand that ANZ will provide me/us with these Terms and Conditions.
2c) manDatory creDIt carD account
Note: If you do not select a card account type below for Option 1 or Option 3, the ANZ Gold account will be selected as your mandatory credit card account.
New Card Account Required
Option 1 I apply for a new ANZ credit card account. I have read and accept the terms set out on this application form.
Also note that you are unable to apply for a new ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum account using this form.
ANZ Gold^ ANZ Rewards Gold ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold
Note: fees apply^+ Note: fees apply^+
If you do not nominate an Applicant’s Name, Applicant 1 in section 1 of this form will be selected as the account holder for your mandatory credit card.
Applicant’s Name Existing Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number#
Existing ANZ Credit Cardholders
Option 2 I/We hold a current ANZ Gold, ANZ Rewards Gold, ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold or ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum account and I/w
nominate this account as my/our Mandatory Credit Card Account.
Applicant’s Name Existing Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number#
ANZ Gold^ ANZ Rewards Gold ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum
Note: fees apply^+ Note: fees apply^+ Note: fees apply^+
Existing ANZ Credit Cardholders
Option 3 My/Our current ANZ Credit Card is not an ANZ Gold, ANZ Rewards Gold, ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold, or ANZ Frequent
Flyer Platinum.
I/We request you to transfer my existing ANZ credit card account to the ANZ credit card account selected below and I/we
nominate this as my/our Mandatory credit card account. If my/our existing ANZ credit card account has a credit limit of
less than $5,000, I/we request the limit on my new ANZ credit card account to be increased to $5,000. I/We have read and
accept the terms set out on this application.
Account Holder Visa card Number
ANZ Gold^ ANZ Rewards Gold ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum
Note: fees apply^+ Note: fees apply^+ Note: fees apply^+
*Only if the credit limit on your existing card is greater than or equal to $12,000. If not, you cannot apply for transfer to ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum.
additional cardholders (Only complete if you wish to include an additional cardholder for your Mandatory Credit Card Account)
I have read and understood this application including the Declarations and Terms and Conditions.
Full Name Signature Date of Birth
3) Important InFormatIon concernIng creDIt carD accounts
2.4 anZ mortgage – Loan application ANZ Breakfree Package (p2 of 3)
#You must be a member of the Qantas Frequent Flyer program to earn Points with
your ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold or ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum account. A joining fee
applies. Please call Qantas on 13 11 31 if you are not a member. ^An annual Rewards
Program Services Fee of $55 (including GST) applies per cardholder for ANZ Frequent
Flyer Gold, ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum and ANZ Rewards Gold. An annual Rewards
Program Services Fee of $22 (including GST) applies per cardholder for the optional
ANZ Gold Sphere Rewards Program. *Additional cardholder(s) on your existing ANZ
credit card account will be transferred to your new credit card account. If you wish
to add or change additional cardholder(s) the cardholder(s) may need to complete
the Customer Identification Process. Customers wishing to transfer from an ANZ Visa
PAYCARD, ANZ Rewards Visa PAYCARD or ANZ Everyday Visa Debit account cannot use
this form to transfer from their account and must complete a new application form for
the account they wish to transfer to.
Redeeming unused points on the card account you wish to close (where applicable):
ANZ Rewards, ANZ Rewards Gold, ANZ First and ANZ Gold accounts that have opted-
to earn Sphere points – any Reward Points that remain unused must be used within
60 days of the date of closure. Reward Points that remain unused in the closed accou
after that period will be cancelled. ANZ Frequent Flyer, ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold and
ANZ Frequent Flyer Platinum – All unused points are automatically credited to your
Qantas Frequent Flyer account provided you have provided ANZ your Qantas Freque
Flyer number.
The Qantas Frequent Flyer membership must be in the same name of the account
holder on the credit card account. If you have not provided ANZ with your Qantas
Frequent Flyer number please do so before closing the account. If ANZ does not rece
the account holder’s Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number within 60 days after
the date of closure, the Points in the Points Record in respect of the card as at that da
will be cancelled and may not be credited to a Qantas Frequent Flyer program accou
If you are a resident of the Australian Capital Territory and your loan application was
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2.4 anZ mortgage – Loan application ANZ Breakfree Package (p3 of 3)
assessed by ANZ more than 6 months before the date of this application, or if your
financial circumstances have changed in the 6 months after your loan application
was assessed by ANZ, you are required to provide ANZ with details of your financial
situation before this application can be accepted.
Please note (if Option 1 or Option 3 is selected in section 2C): If this application is
approved, a new card account will be opened. Your existing credit card account will be
closed 14 days after ANZ’s receipt of this application, or on activation of your new card,
whichever is the sooner. You will not receive a final statement on your existing account.
Your new card will have a new card number and it is your responsibility to re-direct any
automatic payments from your existing card account to your new card account. Please
call 13 22 73 for more information.
In the following declaration ANZ is Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited
ABN 11 005 357 522 and each of its related companies (including subsidiaries) and Qantas
is Qantas Airways Limited ABN 16 009 661 901. Rewards Terms and Conditions are ANZ
Frequent Flyer Reward Terms and Conditions, ANZ Rewards – Rewards Program Terms
and Conditions, and the Sphere Rewards Terms and Conditions. (For a copy, visit anz.com
or call 13 22 73). Points are, where applicable, Qantas Frequent Flyer points, ANZ Rewards
Reward Points or Sphere points. +This account is issued with both an ANZ American
Express® card and an ANZ Visa card. American Express is a registered trademark of
American Express. ANZ American Express cards are issued by Australia and New Zealand
Banking Group Limited (ANZ 11 005 357 522) pursuant to a license from American Express.
anZ’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information
ANZ is collecting your personal information to enable it to process your application
and, if it is approved, to provide you with the product you are applying for. Without
this information we may not be able to process your application or if you are approved,
provide you with the product.
ANZ may disclose your personal information to:
any service provider ANZ engages to carry out or assist its functions and activities;
any third party providing you with a product or service in relation to the ANZ product;
credit reporting agencies;
your referee;
your employer; and
any credit provider to assess a credit application, to assess your credit worthiness, to
help you avoid default on your obligations or to inform them of your default.
By signing this application form, you consent to ANZ disclosing your information to
these persons.
You also consent to ANZ disclosing your information to Qantas and Qantas disclosing
your information to any service provider Qantas engages to carry out or assist its
functions and activities.
You may request access to your information by calling 13 22 73. Access will be granted
in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 for a reasonable fee. If any of your information
is inaccurate, you may also request that it be corrected.
promotion of other products or services
You agree to ANZ using your personal information to promote its products or those of its
related companies and alliance partners and disclosing your personal information to its
related companies or alliance partners to enable them or ANZ to market their products
or services.
4) DecLaratIon
By signing this form I/we:
acknowledge that the written details in this application are true and correct and are given in support of this application; and
acknowledge that I/we have received a copy of the ANZ Breakfree Terms and Conditions, and agree to accept and be bound by those te
conditions; and
agree to any variation to existing accounts as set out above and in the ANZ Breakfree Terms and Conditions.
My/our signature(s) evidence(s) my/our stated understanding of, and consent to all matters set out in this Application Form:
Signature of Applicant 1 Dated (DD/MM/YYYY) Signature of Applicant 2 Dated (DD/MM/YYYY)
Signature of Applicant 3 Dated (DD/MM/YYYY) Signature of Applicant 4 Dated (DD/MM/YYYY)
Signature of Applicant 5 Dated (DD/MM/YYYY)
If you have applied to open a new or transfer to an ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold or ANZ
Frequent Flyer Platinum account and this is approved, you also agree to Qantas using
your information to plan, research, market and promote its products or services or
those of its related companies and disclosing your personal information to its related
companies and ANZ’s alliance partners to enable them or Qantas to market their
products or services. Where you do not want ANZ to tell you about its products or
services or those of its related companies or alliance partners, you may withdraw you
consent by calling 13 22 73 at any time.
personal Information
Your agreement to the use and disclosure of your personal information applies to any
personal information collected by ANZ in the course of your relationship with ANZ.
additional cardholder
You acknowledge that as the Primary Cardholder, you are responsible for all transact
made on this account by any Additional Cardholder(s). You also acknowledge that if
your request for an Additional Cardholder(s) is approved, the Additional Cardholder w
receive his/her own Personal Identification Number (PIN), access the credit card acco
electronically and also obtain information about the status of your account
and transactions made on your account.
cancelling an additional card
As the Primary Cardholder, you can request to cancel an Additional Card by calling
13 22 73 or visiting any ANZ branch. ANZ will only cancel the Additional Card when
you have returned it to ANZ, or have taken all reasonable steps to return it to ANZ.
conditions of use
You acknowledge that your new credit card account is subject to the ANZ Credit Card
Conditions of Use.
Federal Legislation requirements
Federal Government Legislation requires ANZ to verify the identity of all account
holders, signatories and agents. Any account holder, signatories and agents must
satisfactorily meet ANZ’s Customer Identification Process.
credit card Insurance
I understand that any ANZ CreditCover Insurance policy applicable to my existing car
account will apply to my new card account.
transfer authority
Where I have requested a product transfer, I authorise ANZ to close my existing Card
Account and to transfer any outstanding balance as at the date of transfer to my new
Account and to transfer any other transactions effected by me or any Additional Card
in respect of my existing account but which are not included in the balance transferre
I acknowledge that the accrual of Points on my new Card is subject to the Rewards Te
and Conditions applicable to that card. I understand that the outstanding balance as
date of transfer and any other transactions effected by me or any Additional Cardhold
transferred pursuant to this Transfer Authority will not earn Points.
Declaration & signature
By signing this form I agree that the written details in this application form are
true and correct.

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Present value
ANZ account(s) Total $
Other financial institution account(s) Total$
Other Cash Assets (Share/Bonds) $
Property Assets (list Address & Value)
total property assets $
Contribution paid to deposit on property $
Total Number of Motor Vehicles No.
Total Value of Motor Vehicles $
Total Other Assets (eg insured value of contents
and valuables, boat etc) – please specify
Total assets (1) $
Income (average monthLy)
Base salary Gross (p.a) Net (p.m.)
Income earner 1 $ $
Income earner 2 $ $
Other income
Government benefits/ pension $
Part–time/ casual employment $
Dividends/ Interest $
Rent received Net
Monthly gross $ *75% $
*do not show rental property expenses as separate expense items
Total net monthly income (3) $
Limit(s) Current outstanding
ANZ Home Loan $
ANZ Investment Loan $
ANZ Overdraft $
OFI Home Loan $
OFI Investment Loan $
OFI Overdraft $
Credit / Store Cards $
other liabilities Due
Outstanding taxation $
Other – please specify
Total liabilities (2) $
Total assets (1) $
Less Total liabilities (2) $
Net assets (=1–2) $
eXpenDIture (average monthLy)
Credit commitments
Loan Repayments for this facility $
Loan Repayment for other ANZ loans/ HPs$
Loan repayment for OFI loans/HPs $
Credit/store cards $
other commitments
Total Living Expenses $
(includes: Motor Vehicle, Rates, Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Food,
Clothing, Personal, Home Insurance, and Education Expenses)
Rent/Board $
Insurance – Contents/Medical etc $
Life/Income replacement insurance $
Child Maintenance $
Other – please specify Other – please specify
Total net monthly expenditure (4) $
Total net monthly income (3) $
less Total monthly expenditure (4) $
Uncommitted monthly income (=3–4)$
2.5 anZ mortgage – Loan application
Personal Statement of Financial Position
Non-continuing liabilityNon-continuing liability
aLL areas must Be compLeteD By customer / pLease photocopy For aDDItIonaL appLIcants
DecLaratIon oF sIgnature
I/ We declare that the details contained within this Personal
Statement of Financial Position are true and correct.
Print name Print name
Signature of Applicant Dated (DD/MM/YYYY) Signature of Applicant Dated (DD/MM/YYYY)
separate statement oF FInancIaL posItIon to Be compLeteD By each appLIcant unLess marrIeD or DeFacto
Ross Cooper
Regular Overtime
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anZ mortgage – Loan application
Applicant/Guarantor Declaration (p1 of 2)
In the following declaration ANZ is Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 00 357 522 and each of its related companies (i
anZ’s coLLectIon, use anD DIscLosure oF personaL InFormatIon
ANZ is collecting your personal information to enable it to process this application and, if it is approved, to provide you with the product or se
applying for. Where you are a guarantor, ANZ is collecting your personal information to enable it to assess you as a guarantor for an applicati
Without this information ANZ may not be able to consider or approve this application. Throughout the Declaration, Qantas is Qantas Airways L
16 009 661 901. ANZ may disclose your personal information (including information about your credit worthiness, history, standing or capacit
(Breakfree Customers only) You also consent to ANZ disclosing your information to Qantas and Qantas disclosing your information to any serv
Qantas engages to carry out or assist its functions and activities.
By signing this application form, you consent to ANZ disclosing your information to these persons. ANZ may also disclose any information abo
arrangement (including your current loan balance) to the ANZ Mobile Lender/Approved Originator named in section 2.4 or their nominated rep
officers and any successor for the purposes of furthering your application with ANZ; enabling the ANZ Mobile Lender/Approved Originator to a
it is entitled to a trailer fee (being an ongoing fee for the term of the loan) or calculate its trailer fee; or for any other reasonable purpose.
You may request access to your information at any ANZ branch or by calling 13 13 14. Access will be granted in accordance with the Privacy A
reasonable fee. If any of your information is inaccurate, you may request it be corrected.
personaL InFormatIon
Your agreement to the use and disclosure of your personal information applies to any personal information collected by ANZ in the course of y
relationship with ANZ.
promotIon oF other proDucts or servIces
If this application is approved, you agree to ANZ using your personal information to plan, research, market and promote its products or servic
its related companies and alliance partners and disclosing your personal information to its related companies or alliance partners to enable th
market their products or services. Where you do not want ANZ to tell you about its products or services or those of its related companies or a
you may withdraw your consent by calling 13 13 14.
(Breakfree Customers only) If you have applied to open a new or transfer to an ANZ Frequent Flyer Gold account and this is approved, you als
Qantas using your information to plan, research, market and promote its products or services or those of its related companies and disclosing
information to its related companies and ANZ’s alliance partners to enable them or Qantas to market their products or services.
DecLaratIon anD prIvacy consents oF Insurer/re-Insurer oF anZ
Because ANZ will or may be seeking lenders mortgage insurance from the insurer/re-insurer listed below, you agree to the insurer/re-insurer d
following things:
the insurer/re-insurer may obtain a credit report containing your personal information and use it in assessing ANZ’s application for insuranc
the insurer/re-insurer may obtain information about your commercial activities and commercial credit worthiness from any business which
type of information, and use that information to assess ANZ’s application for insurance;
the insurer/re-insurer may give your personal information (including information about your credit worthiness, history, standing or capacity
credit reporting agency, any contractor or service provider the insurer/re-insurer engages to provide services connected with your relationsh
insurer/re-insurer, and any credit provider.
You authorise these people to have access to your personal information from the insurer/re-insurer. The insurer/re-insurer may also receive yo
information from these people. In each case however, your personal information is only to be given or received in connection with ANZ’s appl
insurance or the insurance/reinsurance provided.
The insurer is as follows: The re-insurer is as follows:
ANZ Lenders Mortgage Insurance Pty Ltd QBE Lenders Mortgage Insurance Limited
ABN 77 008 680 055 ABN 70 000 511 071
Level 6, 833 Collins Street, Level 21, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge Street,
Melbourne Vic 3008 Sydney NSW 2000
Enquiries call 13 25 99 Enquiries call 1300 367 764
any person who introduces you to ANZ, including the ANZ Mobile Lender/
ANZ Approved Originator submitting this Loan Application to ANZ
any contractor or service provider ANZ engages to carry out or assist its
functions and activities;
credit reporting agencies;
ANZ’s alliance partners;
mortgage insurer or re-insurer;
your employer;
any credit provider to assess a credit application, to assess your credit
worthiness, to help you avoid default on your obligations or to inform them
of your default;
any credit provider for any purpose you have agreed to;
your referee;
an intending guarantor, to enable that person to consider whether or n
to act as guarantor, or offer property as security for a credit product tha
you or a joint borrower have applied for with ANZ;
a person who is a guarantor, or has provided property as security, for
a loan;
other persons ANZ is authorised or required by law to disclose informa
to (and other persons where you have consented to the disclosure); and
any third party providing you with a product or service in relation to th
ANZ product.
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nomination for correspondence under the National Credit Code for a Credit Contract
Important information for people completing this declaration: Each debtor is entitled to receive a copy of any notice or other document under the Nationa
completing this declaration, I am/we are giving up the right to be provided with information direct from ANZ. Any person who has signed this form can advise AN
writing that they wish to cancel their nomination.
I/We nominate (full name of person nominated)
Print address of nominated party
Description of Credit (loan type and amount)
to receive notices and other documents under the National Credit Code on behalf of me/all of us.
Declaration of purpose under the National Credit Code for a Credit Contract
I/We declare that the credit to be provided to me/us by ANZ is to be applied wholly or predominantly for: business purposes; or investment
investment in residential property (or for both purposes).
You should only sign this declaration if this loan is wholly or predominantly for: business purposes; or investment purposes other than in
residential property. By signing this declaration you may lose protection under the National Credit Code.
This declaration applies to the following credit:Purpose: Amount:
Purpose: Amount:
Signature Date Signature Date
pLease photocopy For aDDItIonaL appLIcants
use oF commercIaL creDIt InFormatIon
ANZ may obtain information about your commercial activities and commercial credit worthiness from any business which provides that type o
use that information to assess your credit application or, where applicable, to assess whether to accept you as a guarantor of credit applied fo
BanKer’s opInIon
ANZ may obtain from other banks, and disclose to other banks, a banker’s opinion about your consumer credit worthiness for use in the asses
IDentIFIcatIon proceDures
If you do not have an existing ANZ account you must complete the applicable Customer Identification Process (required by the Anti-Money La
Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006).
3 anZ mortgage – Loan application
Applicant/Guarantor Declaration (p2 of 2)
authority to discuss information with accountant or employer
I/We authorise ANZ to confirm the details contained in my/our Loan Application with my/our accountant, financial adviser or employer. A copy of this acknowledgem
given to my/our accountant, financial adviser or employer as evidence of my/our consent to them confirming with ANZ any of the details in my/our Loan Applicatio
representations and warranties
I/We have not relied upon any representation or warranty made by the ANZ Mobile Lender/Approved Originator named in section 1.0 before submitting this Loan A
Limited authority of anZ mobile Lender/approved originator
I/We acknowledge that ANZ Mobile Lender is a limited agent of ANZ and Approved Originator is not an agent and acts independently of ANZ. If I/we require any inf
the loan product which is the subject of this Loan Application or any other loan products of ANZ then I/we can contact ANZ directly.
DecLaratIon sIgnature
Declaration required in respect of all products applied for pursuant to this application. It is to be signed by all applicants and intending guarantors. My/Our signatur
my/our understanding and consent to all matters set out in this application and this declaration. By signing below, I/we confirm that the information contained in, a
the Loan Application (including any information contained in the Personal Statement of Financial Position) is true, correct and complete and given in support of this
I/We also declare that any documents provided containing financial information are true copies of the final signed versions of the original documents. Where the ‘N
Correspondence’ has been completed, by signing this declaration I/we agree to the nominated person receiving notices and other documents under the National C
of me/us.
I/We authorise the ANZ Mobile Lender/ Approved Originator named in section 1.0 to forward this information (together with any other information provided
by me/us to the ANZ Mobile Lender/ Approved Originator concerning this Loan Application) to ANZ.
applicant/guarantor co-applicant/guarantor
Print Name Print Name
Signature Date Signature Date
witness signature (anZ mobile Lender/ approved originator)
Print Name Signature Date

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4 anZ mortgage Broker Distribution – Loan application
Loan Documentation Checklist
For BroKer use
The following documents are required for ANZ to assess and provide a decision for the specific loan application. Please check the appropriate
the required documents are enclosed with the application. You must sight all originals before submitting to ANZ. Please ensure all Tax File nu
effectively removed or blacked out from all documents before submitting to ANZ. Note: Certain documents such as payslips, the signed Decla
signed Statement of Position expire three months after the date signed. Please refer to the ANZ Broker Distribution Operations Manual for mo
Loan appLIcatIon
All relevant pages of the ANZ Mortgage Broker Distribution Application Kit
vaLuatIon Forms
Valuation Report, where required
payg Income (please supply any one of the following options):
One payslip confirming at least 3 months YTD figures (no more
than 5 weeks old; must be consistent with annual income; not
handwritten); or
Wages credited to a transaction account for the last 3 months,
verified by supplying the ANZ account number or copies of
other financial institution bank statements (with at least
one being an original statement with Internet statements
acceptable for others).
seLF empLoyeD Income/company Income
Evidence is required in the form of copies of personal and all associated
company/trust/ partnership tax return for the most recent financial
year, accompanied by ATO assessment notices (most current year’s
figures no more than 18 months old).
If the applicant operates as a company/business name, must provide
Company/Business name search to confirm ownership/directorship.
rentaL Income (one oF the FoLLowIng)
Tax Return (as long as the property is still held)
Lease Agreement
Rental Statements issued by the managing real estate agent
(revealing stable payments over past 6 months)
Real Estate Agency Letter (used in conjunction with the Rental
Confirmation Tool*)
Valuation from ANZ Authorised Valuer confirming Rental Income
IDentIFIcatIon proceDure
Complete applicable Customer Identification Process at ANZ Branch
prior to settlement (if you do not have an existing account).
conFIrmatIon oF eQuIty
Copy of bank statements, receipts, accounts etc. confirming
equity of applicant(s)
Loans In company name
Certificate of Incorporation for a company
Registration of a Business Name for a Firm (if applicable)
Guarantor’s Checklist
Copy of Guarantor’s Checklist
Completed Portfolio details and Portfolio holder guarantee
Loans wIth LenDers mortgage Insurance (LmI)
Copy of bank statements for past 6 months showing 5% genuine sa
Full Copy of Contract of Sale*
Copy of Foreign Investment Review Board Certificate* (if applicable
Copy current 3 months loans statements^
Copy of Certificate of Title
Copy of Foreign Investment Review Board Certificate* (if applicable
Full Copy of Contract of Sale*
Copy of Foreign Investment Review Board Certificate* (if applicable
Copy Fixed Price Building Contract*
Copy Council approved plans*
Tentative on Completion (TOC) Valuation*
Copy of Builder’s Insurance*
Full Copy of Contract of Sale*
Copy of Foreign Investment Review Board Certificate* (if applicable
Copy Council approved plans
Break-up of construction costs
Quotations supporting construction costs
Copy of Housing Guarantee and/or domestic insurance policy*
Copy of Insurance Policy document for Residential Property Insuran
owner/BuILDer checKLIst
Detailed costings held
Completed similar project in last 2 years
Works in the building industry
First time builder with minimum experience
*Not compulsory with the initial application, but are required by ANZ prior to providing an unconditional decision.
^Last statement must be from within last four weeks; transaction listings not acceptable
australia and new Zealand Banking group Limited (anZ) aBn 11 005 357 522. Item No. 9600 05.2010 W191288
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