This document presents a comprehensive solution to a Statistics and Probability assignment (MTH219e) from Singapore University of Social Sciences. The assignment covers a wide range of statistical concepts and probability models, including graphical displays (dot plots), stem-and-leaf displays, binomial and Poisson distributions, uniform distribution, exponential distribution, geometric distribution, descriptive statistics, and Bayes' theorem. The solution includes detailed explanations, calculations, and interpretations for each question, such as calculating probabilities, means, variances, and percentiles. The assignment addresses real-world scenarios like catapult games, parking tickets, error analysis, and machine malfunctions, providing practical applications of statistical methods. The student demonstrates proficiency in applying statistical formulas, interpreting results, and using tools like Excel and R for data analysis. This document serves as a valuable resource for students studying statistics and probability, offering insights into problem-solving techniques and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.