This report provides a comprehensive overview of global financial institutions and markets. It begins with an introduction to the global financial system and its role in facilitating international money flow. The report delves into various financial markets, including capital, money, commodities, and foreign exchange markets, and discusses the government's intervention in these markets. It examines stimulative monetary policy, its effects, and potential failures. The report then explores money market instruments such as Certificates of Deposits (CDs), Commercial Paper (CP), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), Municipal Bonds, Repurchase Agreements, and Federal Funds. It also explains bonds, institutional participation in bond markets, bond yields, and different types of bonds, including Treasury and federal agency bonds, and municipal bonds. Furthermore, the report describes corporate bonds, their characteristics, and the role of institutional investors. The report concludes with a discussion on Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), including the process of going public, underwriter efforts for price stability, initial returns, and potential abuses in the IPO market.