This document presents the solutions to a final exam for an HRM 630 course, focusing on Labor and Employment Law. The exam covers a wide range of topics, including questions to avoid in job interviews, responses to reference checks, employee rights in West Virginia, and legal cases such as Zheng v. Liberty Apparel Co. It delves into internship regulations, medical marijuana policies, wrongful discharge, wage payment laws, age and other forms of discrimination, sexual orientation as a protected class, and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The exam also explores topics like unequal treatment, pretext, prima facie cases, adverse employment actions, the role of a human resource manager, employment handbooks, BFOQ, Cat's paw theory, employer's duty to accommodate employees with disabilities, and cases involving privacy and religious accommodations. Further, it covers employee recruitment, workplace surveillance, defamation, progressive discipline, privacy torts, and pregnancy discrimination, along with true/false questions on related legal concepts. The assignment provides comprehensive answers to multiple-choice and true/false questions, demonstrating an understanding of employment law principles.