This essay examines human development, focusing on a case study involving a 3-year-old boy, Jack, and his mother, Vanessa, who is concerned about his development. The essay explores Piaget's stage theory of cognitive development, outlining the sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete, and formal stages, and how they relate to Jack's age. It also touches upon Erikson's stages of social-emotional development, emphasizing the importance of trust and care in early childhood. The essay references relevant literature, including works by Beins, Demetriou, and Getzin, and provides an overview of social and cognitive development, with factors influencing cognitive development such as environmental stress, sensory development, play, and social interaction. It concludes by highlighting the importance of parental care in a child's overall growth and development, including strategies for toilet training and language development. The essay provides insights into how parents can support their child's development during the early years.