This report, titled "Investigation of the best way for care taking of patients suffering from dementia: An approach to make the dementia sufferers a far better life," delves into the critical issue of dementia care within the UK. It explores the rising population of elderly individuals, many of whom suffer from dementia, placing a significant burden on healthcare systems and caregivers. The research aims to identify and evaluate existing care policies and strategies to improve the quality of life for dementia patients, focusing on overcoming barriers to care, assessing the quality of current nursing practices, and exploring the role of family involvement. The methodology involves a secondary source analysis, utilizing cross-sectional research and thematic analysis of reliable data sources like NHS and Alzheimer's Association publications. The literature review highlights the challenges in providing adequate care, including social perspectives, access to services, and the need for more emotional support. The report concludes with recommendations for improved care strategies and a call for further research to address the complex needs of dementia patients, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and the use of secondary data to avoid ethical complications.