This report provides an overview of different types of information systems (IS) and discusses the benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in business. It begins by defining IS and their role in organizing and analyzing data for effective decision-making at various organizational levels. The report then categorizes different IS types, including Transactional Processing Systems (TPS), Management Information Systems (MIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Information Systems (EIS), Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, highlighting their functions and applications. The report further elaborates on ERP systems, emphasizing their integrated applications, process automation, and resource planning capabilities. Key benefits of ERP, such as focused IT cost, total visibility, improved planning and efficiency, customer service enhancements, and customization options, are discussed. Additionally, the report outlines the specific advantages of ERP in business, including reduced IT costs, better integration of IT tools, improved communication, real-time data tracking, and enhanced customer relationships. The conclusion summarizes the importance of IS and ERP while providing recommendations for businesses to leverage AI, IoT, regular system updates, and data backup strategies to ensure security and efficiency.