This document presents a comprehensive database query report, offering a solution for INFS Assignment 2. It begins by outlining the create table statements for various entities such as ONLINE_CLINICIAN, HOME_USER, QUESTION, ANSWER, TREATMENT, CONSULTATION, DIAGNOSIS, DISEASE, USER_SIGNS_SYM, HCHT, TEST_RECOMENDATION, TEST_RESULT, and DIAG_DISEASE, defining their attributes and relationships. Following this, the report includes select statements to retrieve data from each table. The core of the assignment involves several SQL queries demonstrating data manipulation and retrieval, including inserting new records, selecting specific data based on conditions, updating existing records, and deleting records. Furthermore, the document presents SQL views, such as home_user_view, clinical_summary_view, and Consultation_View, which are used to simplify complex queries and provide summarized data. These views combine data from multiple tables to offer insights into the relationships between different entities within the database. This assignment showcases the practical application of SQL in designing, querying, and managing a relational database for an online healthcare system.