This report provides a detailed analysis of International Human Resource Management (IHRM), focusing on the application of cultural dimensions to the context of Prochile, an agency under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile. The report examines various cultural frameworks, including Hofstede's cultural dimensions (Power Distance Index, Individualism vs. Collectivism, Masculinity vs. Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation, and Indulgence vs. Restraint), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner's cultural dimensions (Universalism vs. Particularism, Individualism vs. Communitarianism, Neutral vs. Affective, Specific vs. Diffuse, Achievement vs. Ascription, Sequential vs. Synchronous Time, and Internal vs. External Direction), and the GLOBE study's dimensions of culture. The report analyzes how these cultural dimensions impact Prochile's operations, particularly in the context of its new office in Houston and its interactions with the Chinese market, offering insights into how to effectively manage human resources across different cultural contexts. It highlights the importance of understanding cultural differences to improve business practices, build effective relationships, and achieve organizational goals. The report also discusses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of Prochile and concludes with recommendations for improving its IHRM practices.