This report provides a comprehensive deconstruction of Jet E-commerce's business model. It begins with a succinct description of the company, its industry (e-commerce), the market it serves (USA), and the products it offers (groceries, household supplies, electronics, etc.). The analysis then delves into the business model canvas, outlining key partners (Walmart, third-party developers), activities (building e-community, seller education), resources (Walmart backbone, CEO), value proposition (real-time price algorithm, JetCash), customer relationships (online support, seller education), channels (social media, mobile app), customer segments (sellers, buyers), cost structure (platform development, salaries), and revenue streams (membership fees, sales). The report explains the interrelationships between the nine building blocks of the canvas. It identifies critical success factors, such as DemandStream integration, user-friendly interface, and service-oriented approach. Furthermore, it evaluates potential downside risks, including competitive market conditions and declines in value. Finally, the report suggests changes to the business model, emphasizing improvements in logistics, seller networks, key activities, value proposition (fast delivery), and customer relationships (automated service, social networking) to increase market share. The report concludes by highlighting the importance of these elements for operational and strategic management.