LAW205 Assignment: ASIC Form 201 Application for Fresh Food Pty. Ltd.
VerifiedAdded on 2023/01/13
AI Summary
This document showcases a completed ASIC Form 201, an application for company registration under the Australian Corporations Act 2001, specifically for Fresh Food Pty. Ltd. The form details the lodgment information, the state of registration (New South Wales), and the company's characteristics, including its proprietary limited structure. It outlines the legal elements, governance, registered office details, and appointment of officeholders (directors Max White, John Bunny, and Any Bull). Furthermore, the application includes information on the ultimate holding company and a detailed share structure table, specifying share class, total shares, and financial details. Finally, it includes the details of the members and their shareholdings (Max White and John Bunny) and the applicant's declaration and signature, confirming the accuracy of the provided information. This assignment is a practical example of the legal and administrative procedures involved in establishing a company.
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Au stralian S ecu rities &
In vestmen ts Co mmi ssion
Appli cation fo r regi stration as an Au strali an
co mp an y
Use t his form t o apply t o ASI C for regis t ra tion of a company under t he Corpora t ions A ct 2001 .
Re l ated Fo rms
208 - No tifi ca t ion of de t ails o f shares allo tt ed ot her t han f or cash 207Z
- Cer t ifi ca tion of compliance wi t h st amp du t y law
Form 201
Corporations Act 2001
I f t h ere is in s u ff ic ie n t s p ace in a n y sect ion of t h e f o rm , y ou may pho t o c op y t h e re l eva nt p a g e(s) a nd s ub m i t as p art of t his lodg eme n t
Lodg men t d eta il s
An image of this form will be available as
part of the public register.
Who s hould A SI C c ontact i f th ere i s a query abou t t hi s f o rm ? ASIC
registered agent number (if applicable)
+61 8463 3454
Contact name/position description
Albert Russell/ Senior Legal Advisors Telephone number (during business hours)
(02) 5643 5473
Email address (optional)
Postal address
Flat no. 6, William Tower, Goulburn Street 52,
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
1 S tate / terr i t o ry o f re gistrat ion
I apply for registration of the company under the Corporations Act 2001 and nominate the State or Territory in which the company
will be taken to be registered.
Give State or Territory
New South Wales
2 Deta il s o f t h e c o m p a n y
D o es t h e c o m p a n y h ave a p r opose d c o m p an y n ame ?
X Yes
If yes, the proposed company name is
Fresh Food Pty. Ltd.
Name reservation number (if any)
563 613 930
The company name on registration will be its Australian Company Number (ACN).
Tick the legal elements that apply
X Pty. Ltd. Proprietary Limited No liability NL
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 1 of 8
In vestmen ts Co mmi ssion
Appli cation fo r regi stration as an Au strali an
co mp an y
Use t his form t o apply t o ASI C for regis t ra tion of a company under t he Corpora t ions A ct 2001 .
Re l ated Fo rms
208 - No tifi ca t ion of de t ails o f shares allo tt ed ot her t han f or cash 207Z
- Cer t ifi ca tion of compliance wi t h st amp du t y law
Form 201
Corporations Act 2001
I f t h ere is in s u ff ic ie n t s p ace in a n y sect ion of t h e f o rm , y ou may pho t o c op y t h e re l eva nt p a g e(s) a nd s ub m i t as p art of t his lodg eme n t
Lodg men t d eta il s
An image of this form will be available as
part of the public register.
Who s hould A SI C c ontact i f th ere i s a query abou t t hi s f o rm ? ASIC
registered agent number (if applicable)
+61 8463 3454
Contact name/position description
Albert Russell/ Senior Legal Advisors Telephone number (during business hours)
(02) 5643 5473
Email address (optional)
Postal address
Flat no. 6, William Tower, Goulburn Street 52,
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
1 S tate / terr i t o ry o f re gistrat ion
I apply for registration of the company under the Corporations Act 2001 and nominate the State or Territory in which the company
will be taken to be registered.
Give State or Territory
New South Wales
2 Deta il s o f t h e c o m p a n y
D o es t h e c o m p a n y h ave a p r opose d c o m p an y n ame ?
X Yes
If yes, the proposed company name is
Fresh Food Pty. Ltd.
Name reservation number (if any)
563 613 930
The company name on registration will be its Australian Company Number (ACN).
Tick the legal elements that apply
X Pty. Ltd. Proprietary Limited No liability NL
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 1 of 8
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2 Con t inued ... Fu rt h er d eta il s o f t h e c o m p a n y
Is t h e p r opo se d n ame id e n t i ca l t o a re gi stere d bu s in ess n ame(s) ?
Yes X No
If yes, I declare that I hold, or am registering the company for the holder(s) of, the identical business name(s),
the registration details of which are listed below.
For business names registered before 28
May 2012 without an ABN.
P rev iou s bu sin ess nu m b er Prev ious state / terr it o ry of re gistrat ion
Ty p e of co m p a n y
X proprietary company
public company
C l ass of c o m p a n y
X limited by shares
unlimited with a share capital
limited by shares
limited by guarantee
unlimited with a share capital
X no liability
Sp ec i a l pur po se (if applicable)
home unit (HUNT)
superannuation trustee (PSTC)
charitable purposes only (PNPC)
superannuation trustee (ULSS)
charitable purposes only (ULSN)
Sp ec i a l pu r po se co m p a n y Refer to
Guide for descriptions of special
purpose companies.
A public company that is:
• a superannuation trustee, or •
for charitable purposes only,
must have a constitution.
If this is a special purpose company, tick the box below to make the declaration.
I declare that this company is a special purpose company as defi ned under Regulation 3 of the Corporations (Review
Fees) Regulations 2003.
Go ver n an ce o f a publi c c o m p a n y
X The company will rely entirely on replaceable rules
The Company has a constitution
A p r opose d publi c co m p a n y whi c h h as a dop te d a “ C on sti t u t ion” m u st lodg e a c op y of t h e con st i t u t ion wi t h t hi s
appli cat ion
If the proposed company is to be a public company li m ite d b y guara n tee , state the amount of the guarantee that each member
agrees to in writing.
Re gistere d offi ce
You cannot use a PO Box address
The amount of the member’s guarantee is (inser t amoun t )
At the office of, C/- (if applicable)
Office, unit, level
Is t h e p r opo se d n ame id e n t i ca l t o a re gi stere d bu s in ess n ame(s) ?
Yes X No
If yes, I declare that I hold, or am registering the company for the holder(s) of, the identical business name(s),
the registration details of which are listed below.
For business names registered before 28
May 2012 without an ABN.
P rev iou s bu sin ess nu m b er Prev ious state / terr it o ry of re gistrat ion
Ty p e of co m p a n y
X proprietary company
public company
C l ass of c o m p a n y
X limited by shares
unlimited with a share capital
limited by shares
limited by guarantee
unlimited with a share capital
X no liability
Sp ec i a l pur po se (if applicable)
home unit (HUNT)
superannuation trustee (PSTC)
charitable purposes only (PNPC)
superannuation trustee (ULSS)
charitable purposes only (ULSN)
Sp ec i a l pu r po se co m p a n y Refer to
Guide for descriptions of special
purpose companies.
A public company that is:
• a superannuation trustee, or •
for charitable purposes only,
must have a constitution.
If this is a special purpose company, tick the box below to make the declaration.
I declare that this company is a special purpose company as defi ned under Regulation 3 of the Corporations (Review
Fees) Regulations 2003.
Go ver n an ce o f a publi c c o m p a n y
X The company will rely entirely on replaceable rules
The Company has a constitution
A p r opose d publi c co m p a n y whi c h h as a dop te d a “ C on sti t u t ion” m u st lodg e a c op y of t h e con st i t u t ion wi t h t hi s
appli cat ion
If the proposed company is to be a public company li m ite d b y guara n tee , state the amount of the guarantee that each member
agrees to in writing.
Re gistere d offi ce
You cannot use a PO Box address
The amount of the member’s guarantee is (inser t amoun t )
At the office of, C/- (if applicable)
Office, unit, level

Flat no. 4, Front Building
Street number and Street name
52 and Goulburn Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 2 of 8
Street number and Street name
52 and Goulburn Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 2 of 8

2 Con t inued ... Fu rt h er d eta il s o f t h e c o m p a n y
D o es t h e c o m p a n y o cc up y t h e p rem i ses ?
X Yes
If no, name of occupier
Occupier’s consent (Select box to indicate the statement below is correct)
Off ice hours
For a public company
The occupier of the premises has consented in writing to the use of the specified address as the address of the registered
office of the company and has not withdrawn that consent.
a. Registered office of a public company is open to the public each business day from at least 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to
4 pm.
b. Registered office of a public company is open to the public each business day for at least 3 hours between 9 am and 5
If b, insert hours open from am/pm close to am/pm
Pr in c ip al pl ace of bu s in ess If same as re gi stere d off ice, w r ite “ as a bo ve”.
Office, unit, level
As above
Street number and Street name
As above
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
As above As above As above
Country (if not Australia)
3 A ppoin t off ice holder
A public company must have a minimum of
3 directors (2 resident in Australia) and 1
secretary (resident in Australia).
Off ice h e ld
X Director Secretary
A proprietary company must have a
minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The office of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Offi ceholder(s) appointment date shall be
effective from the beginning of the day on
which the company becomes registered.
Family name Given names
Max White Max White
Former name
Street number and Street name:
52 and Goulburn Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
Place of birth (town/city) (State/country)
Sydney New South Wales
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 3 of 8
D o es t h e c o m p a n y o cc up y t h e p rem i ses ?
X Yes
If no, name of occupier
Occupier’s consent (Select box to indicate the statement below is correct)
Off ice hours
For a public company
The occupier of the premises has consented in writing to the use of the specified address as the address of the registered
office of the company and has not withdrawn that consent.
a. Registered office of a public company is open to the public each business day from at least 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to
4 pm.
b. Registered office of a public company is open to the public each business day for at least 3 hours between 9 am and 5
If b, insert hours open from am/pm close to am/pm
Pr in c ip al pl ace of bu s in ess If same as re gi stere d off ice, w r ite “ as a bo ve”.
Office, unit, level
As above
Street number and Street name
As above
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
As above As above As above
Country (if not Australia)
3 A ppoin t off ice holder
A public company must have a minimum of
3 directors (2 resident in Australia) and 1
secretary (resident in Australia).
Off ice h e ld
X Director Secretary
A proprietary company must have a
minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The office of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Offi ceholder(s) appointment date shall be
effective from the beginning of the day on
which the company becomes registered.
Family name Given names
Max White Max White
Former name
Street number and Street name:
52 and Goulburn Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
Place of birth (town/city) (State/country)
Sydney New South Wales
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 3 of 8
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3 Con t inued ... A ppoin t a no t h er offi ce holder
A public company must have a minimum
of 3 directors (2 resident in Australia) and
1 secretary (resident in Australia).
A proprietary company must have a
minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The office of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Offi ceholder(s) appointment date shall be
effective from the beginning of the day on
which the company becomes registered.
Off i ce h e ld
X Director Secretary
Family name Given names
John Bunny John Bunny
Former name
Street number and Street name
12 and Burke Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Woolloongabba Queensland 4102
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
Place of birth (town/city) (State/country)
Woolloongabba Queensland
3 Con t inued ... A ppoin t a no t h er offi ce holder
A public company must have a minimum
of 3 directors (2 resident in Australia) and
1 secretary (resident in Australia).
A proprietary company must have a
minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The office of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Offi ceholder(s) appointment date shall be
effective from the beginning of the day on
which the company becomes registered.
Off i ce h e ld
Family name
Any Bull
Former name
Street number and Street name
3 and Hixon Street
South Gladstone
Country (if not Australia)
X Secretary
Given names
Any Bull
State/Territory Postcode
Queensland 4680
A public company must have a minimum
of 3 directors (2 resident in Australia) and
1 secretary (resident in Australia).
A proprietary company must have a
minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The office of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Offi ceholder(s) appointment date shall be
effective from the beginning of the day on
which the company becomes registered.
Off i ce h e ld
X Director Secretary
Family name Given names
John Bunny John Bunny
Former name
Street number and Street name
12 and Burke Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Woolloongabba Queensland 4102
Country (if not Australia)
Date of birth
Place of birth (town/city) (State/country)
Woolloongabba Queensland
3 Con t inued ... A ppoin t a no t h er offi ce holder
A public company must have a minimum
of 3 directors (2 resident in Australia) and
1 secretary (resident in Australia).
A proprietary company must have a
minimum of 1 director (resident in
Australia). The office of secretary is
optional, but if appointed one must
reside in Australia.
Offi ceholder(s) appointment date shall be
effective from the beginning of the day on
which the company becomes registered.
Off i ce h e ld
Family name
Any Bull
Former name
Street number and Street name
3 and Hixon Street
South Gladstone
Country (if not Australia)
X Secretary
Given names
Any Bull
State/Territory Postcode
Queensland 4680

Date of birth
Place of birth (town/city) (State/country)
South Gladstone Queensland
4 Id e nt i fy ul t i mate holding c o m p a n y
Will t h e c o m p a n y h ave a n ul t i mate holding c o m p a n y upon re gistrat ion?
If yes, provide the following details of the ultimate holding company
Company name
ACN/ARBN/ABN Country of incorporation (if not Australia)
X No
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 4 of 8
5 Sh are str u ct ure ta bl e
Details of shares issued by the company. Please show all details of shares that the company has on issue at the time of this application.
S ta nd ard s h are cod es
Refer to the table for the share class
codes for sections 5 and 6.
Share class code Full title Share class code Full title
B B ...etc EMP
FOU founder’s
LG life governor’s
MAN management
ORD ordinary
RED redeemable
SPE special
PRF preference
CUMP cumulative preference NCP
non-cumulative preference
REDP redeemable preference
NRP non-redeemable preference
CRP cumulative redeemable preference NCRP
non-cumulative redeemable preference
PARP participative preference
If you are using the standard share class codes you do not need to provide the full title for the shares, just the share class code.
ORD 50000 500000
If you are not using the standard share class code, enter a code of no more than 4 letters and then show the full title. Share
Full title if not standard Total number of
class code shares
Total amount
paid on these
Total amount
unpaid on these
Are any of these shares issued other than for cash?
If yes, will some or all of the shares be issued under a
written contract?
If yes: P r op ri etary c o mp a ni es
X No
If no, continue to S ect ion 6 Deta il s of mem b ers .
Lodge a Form 207Z certifying that all stamp duties have been paid.
Publi c c o m p ani es
Lodge a Form 207Z and either a Form 208 or a copy of the contract.
Place of birth (town/city) (State/country)
South Gladstone Queensland
4 Id e nt i fy ul t i mate holding c o m p a n y
Will t h e c o m p a n y h ave a n ul t i mate holding c o m p a n y upon re gistrat ion?
If yes, provide the following details of the ultimate holding company
Company name
ACN/ARBN/ABN Country of incorporation (if not Australia)
X No
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 4 of 8
5 Sh are str u ct ure ta bl e
Details of shares issued by the company. Please show all details of shares that the company has on issue at the time of this application.
S ta nd ard s h are cod es
Refer to the table for the share class
codes for sections 5 and 6.
Share class code Full title Share class code Full title
B B ...etc EMP
FOU founder’s
LG life governor’s
MAN management
ORD ordinary
RED redeemable
SPE special
PRF preference
CUMP cumulative preference NCP
non-cumulative preference
REDP redeemable preference
NRP non-redeemable preference
CRP cumulative redeemable preference NCRP
non-cumulative redeemable preference
PARP participative preference
If you are using the standard share class codes you do not need to provide the full title for the shares, just the share class code.
ORD 50000 500000
If you are not using the standard share class code, enter a code of no more than 4 letters and then show the full title. Share
Full title if not standard Total number of
class code shares
Total amount
paid on these
Total amount
unpaid on these
Are any of these shares issued other than for cash?
If yes, will some or all of the shares be issued under a
written contract?
If yes: P r op ri etary c o mp a ni es
X No
If no, continue to S ect ion 6 Deta il s of mem b ers .
Lodge a Form 207Z certifying that all stamp duties have been paid.
Publi c c o m p ani es
Lodge a Form 207Z and either a Form 208 or a copy of the contract.

If no: P rop ri etary c o m p ani es
Continue to S ect ion 6 Deta il s of mem b ers .
Publi c c o m p a ni es
Lodge a Form 208.
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 5 of 8
If no: P rop ri etary c o m p ani es
Continue to S ect ion 6 Deta il s of mem b ers .
Publi c c o m p a ni es
Lodge a Form 208.
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 5 of 8
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6 Deta il s o f mem b ers
Use this section to notify the name and address of each person who consents to become a member.
If shares are jointly owned, provide names and addresses of all joint-owners on a separate sheet (annexure), clearly indicating the share class and with whom the shares are jointly
Pl ease c o m pl ete a se p arate sect ion b e low f o r eac h mem b er, p r in t a ddi t ion a l c opi es of p a g e 7 i f m o re mem b ers are re qui re d.
Mem b er d eta il s a nd sh are holding Indicate
whether the member is an individual or a
company and provide the: • name of
the individual or company
• address of the individual or
company, and
• shareholding.
Address of individual or company
Family name Given names
Max White Max White
Company name
Office, unit, level, or PO Box number
House no. 43, Front Lane
Street number and Street name
52 and Goulburn Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
Country (if not Australia)
Complete each column for each share class the above member has agreed, in writing, to take up.
N o te: Benefi cially held usually means that the owner of the shares is entitled to the direct benefi t from the shares. For example, benefi ts could include the entitlements to
payments in relation to any dividends. Shares held by a person as trustee, nominee or on account of another person are non-benefi cially held.
Share class Number of Amount agreed to Total $ paid on Amount unpaid Total $ unpaid on Fully paid Benefi cially
code shares taken up pay per share these shares per share these shares (y/n) held (y/n)
ORD 30000 10 300000 NIL NIL Y N
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 6 of 8
Use this section to notify the name and address of each person who consents to become a member.
If shares are jointly owned, provide names and addresses of all joint-owners on a separate sheet (annexure), clearly indicating the share class and with whom the shares are jointly
Pl ease c o m pl ete a se p arate sect ion b e low f o r eac h mem b er, p r in t a ddi t ion a l c opi es of p a g e 7 i f m o re mem b ers are re qui re d.
Mem b er d eta il s a nd sh are holding Indicate
whether the member is an individual or a
company and provide the: • name of
the individual or company
• address of the individual or
company, and
• shareholding.
Address of individual or company
Family name Given names
Max White Max White
Company name
Office, unit, level, or PO Box number
House no. 43, Front Lane
Street number and Street name
52 and Goulburn Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Sydney New South Wales 2000
Country (if not Australia)
Complete each column for each share class the above member has agreed, in writing, to take up.
N o te: Benefi cially held usually means that the owner of the shares is entitled to the direct benefi t from the shares. For example, benefi ts could include the entitlements to
payments in relation to any dividends. Shares held by a person as trustee, nominee or on account of another person are non-benefi cially held.
Share class Number of Amount agreed to Total $ paid on Amount unpaid Total $ unpaid on Fully paid Benefi cially
code shares taken up pay per share these shares per share these shares (y/n) held (y/n)
ORD 30000 10 300000 NIL NIL Y N
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 6 of 8

6 Con t inued ... Deta il s o f a no t h er mem b er
Family name Given names
John Bunny John Bunny
Company name
Office, unit, level, or PO Box number
Flat No. 23, 3rd Floor, Popular Apartments
Street number and Street name
12 and Burke Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Woolloongabba Queensland 4102
Country (if not Australia)
Share class
Number of shares
taken up
Amount agreed to
pay per share
Total $ paid on
these shares
Amount unpaid
per share
Total $ unpaid on
these shares
Fully paid
Benefi cially
held (y/n)
ORD 20000 10 200000 NIL NIL Y N
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 7 of 8
Family name Given names
John Bunny John Bunny
Company name
Office, unit, level, or PO Box number
Flat No. 23, 3rd Floor, Popular Apartments
Street number and Street name
12 and Burke Street
Suburb/City State/Territory Postcode
Woolloongabba Queensland 4102
Country (if not Australia)
Share class
Number of shares
taken up
Amount agreed to
pay per share
Total $ paid on
these shares
Amount unpaid
per share
Total $ unpaid on
these shares
Fully paid
Benefi cially
held (y/n)
ORD 20000 10 200000 NIL NIL Y N
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 7 of 8

Dec l arat ion b y a ppli ca n t
I/w e appl y f o r re gi strat ion of a c o m p a n y on t h e b as is of t h e in f o rmat ion in t hi s f o rm a nd a n y attac h me n ts . I/w e h ave t h e
necessary w ritte n con se n ts and a g reeme n ts referre d t o in t h e a ppli cat ion c on cer ning t h e mem b er a nd off i cehold ers a nd I/w e
sh all gi ve t h e con se n ts and a g reeme n ts t o t h e c o m p a n y after t h e c o m p an y b ec o mes re gi stere d. Th e in f o rmat ion p r o vid ed in
t hi s a ppli cat ion a nd in a n y a nn ex u res i s tr u e and c o rrect at t h e t i me o f signing.
Sign at u re o f appli ca n t
Provide family and given names OR
corporation name (include ACN/ARBN if
If the applicant is an individual - 1 signature
If the applicant is a corporation - a director or
secretary to sign.
If the agent for the applicant is a firm – a
member/partner of the firm to sign
X Payment has been attached Name
of applicant
Max White
Capacity of applicant
X Individual
Name of offi ceholder
Agent for individual or corporation
Name of agent
Signature of applicant
Date signed
[04] [04] [2019]
Lodg men t Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, PO
Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841
Fo r m o re in f o rmat ion
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630
ASIC Form 201 04th April 2019 Page 8 of 8
I/w e appl y f o r re gi strat ion of a c o m p a n y on t h e b as is of t h e in f o rmat ion in t hi s f o rm a nd a n y attac h me n ts . I/w e h ave t h e
necessary w ritte n con se n ts and a g reeme n ts referre d t o in t h e a ppli cat ion c on cer ning t h e mem b er a nd off i cehold ers a nd I/w e
sh all gi ve t h e con se n ts and a g reeme n ts t o t h e c o m p a n y after t h e c o m p an y b ec o mes re gi stere d. Th e in f o rmat ion p r o vid ed in
t hi s a ppli cat ion a nd in a n y a nn ex u res i s tr u e and c o rrect at t h e t i me o f signing.
Sign at u re o f appli ca n t
Provide family and given names OR
corporation name (include ACN/ARBN if
If the applicant is an individual - 1 signature
If the applicant is a corporation - a director or
secretary to sign.
If the agent for the applicant is a firm – a
member/partner of the firm to sign
X Payment has been attached Name
of applicant
Max White
Capacity of applicant
X Individual
Name of offi ceholder
Agent for individual or corporation
Name of agent
Signature of applicant
Date signed
[04] [04] [2019]
Lodg men t Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, PO
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Au stralian S ecu rities &
In vestmen ts Co mmi ssion
Guid e:
Appli cation fo r regi stration as an Au strali an
co mp an y
Thi s guid e do es no t f o rm p art of t h e p rescr ib e d f o rm . I t i s in c lud ed b y A SI C t o ass i st y ou in co m pl et ing a nd lodging t h e Form 201 .
Form 201
Corporations Act 2001
Use t his form t o apply t o ASI C for regis t ra tion of a company under t he Corpora t ions A ct 2001 (C t h) (Corpora t ions A c t ).
Re l ated Fo rms
208 - No tifi ca t ion of de t ails o f shares allo tt ed ot her t han f or cash 207Z -
Cert if i ca tion o f compliance wi t h st amp du t y law
Sign at u re This form must be signed by: •
the applicant; or
• a person who has consented to become a director or secretary or member of the company; or
• the agent for the applicant, being a person who has authority to sign the form on behalf of the applicant(s).
Lodg eme n t p er iod Nil – to be lodged when required.
Lodging fee A lodgement fee applies to this form.
For information on fees refer to
O ff icehold er a dd ress Offi ceholders’ addresses must be their usual current residential address. An alternative address may only be used where we
approve an application under s205D of the Corporations Act.
Re pl acea bl e r ul es a nd
c on st i t u t ion s
The Corporations Act contains ‘replaceable rules’ which apply to all companies—except companies where the sole member is also
the sole director—and may be used to govern the internal running of the company. Companies may displace some of the replaceable
rules by a constitution and be governed by a combination of replaceable rules for some things and their own constitution for others.
Where the proposed company is to be governed by a combination of replaceable rules and a constitution, please tick the box that
says ‘The company has a constitution’.
A company with more than one member/director may adopt a constitution provided all persons who have agreed to become a
member of the company agree to the terms and conditions.
If a written constitution governs the company, a copy of the constitution must also be lodged. A public company that is: • a
superannuation trustee, or
• for charitable purposes only,
must have a written constitution.
C o m p a n y n ames A name is available unless it is identical to:
• a name that is currently reserved or registered under the Corporations Act for another body, or
• a name that is held or registered on the business names register in respect of another individual or body who is not the person
applying to have the name, or
• is unacceptable for registration under the Corporations Regulations 2001.
If it is proposed to register a name which is identical to a registered business name(s), we must be satisfi ed that the proposed
company is entitled to the use of the name under s147. Therefore either the owner, or someone registering the company for the owner
of the business name, must be the applicant for registration and the questions regarding the business name(s) shown on the Form 201
must be completed.
The information concerning identical business names on the Form 201 may instead be given in a statement attached to the Form
201 (as an annexure) under the heading ‘Declaration Regarding Registered Business Name(s)’. Be sure to provide the same
information as is required on the Form 201. The statement must be d ate d a nd s ign ed by the
applicant as being ‘true and correct’ as follows: ‘I declare that the information given in this statement is true and correct’.
ASIC Form 201 G uide 04th April 2019 Page 1 of 2
In vestmen ts Co mmi ssion
Guid e:
Appli cation fo r regi stration as an Au strali an
co mp an y
Thi s guid e do es no t f o rm p art of t h e p rescr ib e d f o rm . I t i s in c lud ed b y A SI C t o ass i st y ou in co m pl et ing a nd lodging t h e Form 201 .
Form 201
Corporations Act 2001
Use t his form t o apply t o ASI C for regis t ra tion of a company under t he Corpora t ions A ct 2001 (C t h) (Corpora t ions A c t ).
Re l ated Fo rms
208 - No tifi ca t ion of de t ails o f shares allo tt ed ot her t han f or cash 207Z -
Cert if i ca tion o f compliance wi t h st amp du t y law
Sign at u re This form must be signed by: •
the applicant; or
• a person who has consented to become a director or secretary or member of the company; or
• the agent for the applicant, being a person who has authority to sign the form on behalf of the applicant(s).
Lodg eme n t p er iod Nil – to be lodged when required.
Lodging fee A lodgement fee applies to this form.
For information on fees refer to
O ff icehold er a dd ress Offi ceholders’ addresses must be their usual current residential address. An alternative address may only be used where we
approve an application under s205D of the Corporations Act.
Re pl acea bl e r ul es a nd
c on st i t u t ion s
The Corporations Act contains ‘replaceable rules’ which apply to all companies—except companies where the sole member is also
the sole director—and may be used to govern the internal running of the company. Companies may displace some of the replaceable
rules by a constitution and be governed by a combination of replaceable rules for some things and their own constitution for others.
Where the proposed company is to be governed by a combination of replaceable rules and a constitution, please tick the box that
says ‘The company has a constitution’.
A company with more than one member/director may adopt a constitution provided all persons who have agreed to become a
member of the company agree to the terms and conditions.
If a written constitution governs the company, a copy of the constitution must also be lodged. A public company that is: • a
superannuation trustee, or
• for charitable purposes only,
must have a written constitution.
C o m p a n y n ames A name is available unless it is identical to:
• a name that is currently reserved or registered under the Corporations Act for another body, or
• a name that is held or registered on the business names register in respect of another individual or body who is not the person
applying to have the name, or
• is unacceptable for registration under the Corporations Regulations 2001.
If it is proposed to register a name which is identical to a registered business name(s), we must be satisfi ed that the proposed
company is entitled to the use of the name under s147. Therefore either the owner, or someone registering the company for the owner
of the business name, must be the applicant for registration and the questions regarding the business name(s) shown on the Form 201
must be completed.
The information concerning identical business names on the Form 201 may instead be given in a statement attached to the Form
201 (as an annexure) under the heading ‘Declaration Regarding Registered Business Name(s)’. Be sure to provide the same
information as is required on the Form 201. The statement must be d ate d a nd s ign ed by the
applicant as being ‘true and correct’ as follows: ‘I declare that the information given in this statement is true and correct’.
ASIC Form 201 G uide 04th April 2019 Page 1 of 2

Sp ec i a l pu r po se c o m p a ni es The different types of special purpose companies that can be established on registration are:
C h arita bl e pu r po ses onl y
A company whose constitution requires it to pursue charitable purposes only and to apply its income in promoting those purposes;
and prohibits the company making distributions to its members and paying fees to its directors; and requires its directors to approve
all other payments the company makes to them.
H o me unit c o m p a n y A
proprietary company:
• that is the proprietor of land on which a building is erected and divided into separate residential areas and areas for common
• whose members are entitled to exclusive occupation of one or more of those areas and use of the common areas, and
• which operates solely to facilitate the rights of those members in relation to their exclusive occupation of those residential
areas and maintenance of the common areas.
Sup era nnu at ion tru stee c o m p a n y
A company that acts solely as the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of s19 of the Superannuation
Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and whose constitution prohibits the distribution of its income or property among its
O t h er ty p es o f c o mp a ni es A no–liability company (NL) must be a public company. The Corporations Act limits the activities of a NL company to mining
purposes only and obliges a NL company’s constitution to state, amongst other things, that its sole objects are mining purposes
A company limited by guarantee (LMGT) must be a public company. In order for a LMGT company to qualify as a ‘special
purpose company’ as defined by the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003, its constitution must contain, amongst
other things, provisions which limit its activities to charitable purposes only.
Sh ares i ss u e d o t h er t h a n f o r
cas h o r und er a w r i tte n
c on tract
Fo r publi c c o m p a ni es
If shares will be issued for other than cash, then a Form 208 Notif ication of details of shares allotted other than for cash, or a copy of
the ‘contract’ must be lodged.
If the shares will be issued under written contract, then a Form 207Z Certifi cation of compliance with stamp duty law must also
be lodged.
Fo r p rop r ietary c o m p a ni es
If shares will be issued under written contract or issued for other than cash, a Form 207Z Certifi cation of compliance with stamp
duty law must be lodged.
H ow t o p r o v id e a ddi t ion a l
in f o rmat ion
Pho t o c opi e d Fo rm 201 p a g es
If there is insuffi cient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of this
A nn ex u res
If there is insuffi cient space in any section of the form, you may alternately submit annexures as part of this lodgement.
To make any annexure conform to the regulations, you must
1. use A4 size paper of white or light pastel colour with a margin of at least 10mm on all sides 2.
show the company name and ACN or ARBN
3. number the pages consecutively
4. print or type in BLOCK letters in dark blue or black ink so that the document is clearly legible when photocopied 5. mark
the annexure with an identifying letter or symbol eg a,b,c or 1,2,3 etc.
6. endorse the annexure with the words:
This annexure (mark) of (number) pages referred to in form (form number and title) 7.
sign and date the annexure
The annexure must be signed by the same person(s) who signed the form.
P r i vacy The information provided to ASIC in this form may include personal information. Please refer to our privacy policy
( for more information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek access to
and correct personal information, and to complain about breaches of your privacy.
Lodg eme n t Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, PO
Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841
Fo r m o re in f o rmat ion
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630
ASIC Form 201 G uide 04th April 2019 Page 2 of 2
C h arita bl e pu r po ses onl y
A company whose constitution requires it to pursue charitable purposes only and to apply its income in promoting those purposes;
and prohibits the company making distributions to its members and paying fees to its directors; and requires its directors to approve
all other payments the company makes to them.
H o me unit c o m p a n y A
proprietary company:
• that is the proprietor of land on which a building is erected and divided into separate residential areas and areas for common
• whose members are entitled to exclusive occupation of one or more of those areas and use of the common areas, and
• which operates solely to facilitate the rights of those members in relation to their exclusive occupation of those residential
areas and maintenance of the common areas.
Sup era nnu at ion tru stee c o m p a n y
A company that acts solely as the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund within the meaning of s19 of the Superannuation
Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and whose constitution prohibits the distribution of its income or property among its
O t h er ty p es o f c o mp a ni es A no–liability company (NL) must be a public company. The Corporations Act limits the activities of a NL company to mining
purposes only and obliges a NL company’s constitution to state, amongst other things, that its sole objects are mining purposes
A company limited by guarantee (LMGT) must be a public company. In order for a LMGT company to qualify as a ‘special
purpose company’ as defined by the Corporations (Review Fees) Regulations 2003, its constitution must contain, amongst
other things, provisions which limit its activities to charitable purposes only.
Sh ares i ss u e d o t h er t h a n f o r
cas h o r und er a w r i tte n
c on tract
Fo r publi c c o m p a ni es
If shares will be issued for other than cash, then a Form 208 Notif ication of details of shares allotted other than for cash, or a copy of
the ‘contract’ must be lodged.
If the shares will be issued under written contract, then a Form 207Z Certifi cation of compliance with stamp duty law must also
be lodged.
Fo r p rop r ietary c o m p a ni es
If shares will be issued under written contract or issued for other than cash, a Form 207Z Certifi cation of compliance with stamp
duty law must be lodged.
H ow t o p r o v id e a ddi t ion a l
in f o rmat ion
Pho t o c opi e d Fo rm 201 p a g es
If there is insuffi cient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of this
A nn ex u res
If there is insuffi cient space in any section of the form, you may alternately submit annexures as part of this lodgement.
To make any annexure conform to the regulations, you must
1. use A4 size paper of white or light pastel colour with a margin of at least 10mm on all sides 2.
show the company name and ACN or ARBN
3. number the pages consecutively
4. print or type in BLOCK letters in dark blue or black ink so that the document is clearly legible when photocopied 5. mark
the annexure with an identifying letter or symbol eg a,b,c or 1,2,3 etc.
6. endorse the annexure with the words:
This annexure (mark) of (number) pages referred to in form (form number and title) 7.
sign and date the annexure
The annexure must be signed by the same person(s) who signed the form.
P r i vacy The information provided to ASIC in this form may include personal information. Please refer to our privacy policy
( for more information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek access to
and correct personal information, and to complain about breaches of your privacy.
Lodg eme n t Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, PO
Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841
Fo r m o re in f o rmat ion
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630
ASIC Form 201 G uide 04th April 2019 Page 2 of 2
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