This assignment for a Lifespan Psychology course involves a two-part project. Part 1 requires conducting an interview with an individual aged 50 or older, focusing on their life course, critical incidents, and major life events. The interview aims to understand how these experiences have shaped the individual's development. Part 2 involves analyzing the interview transcript and writing an essay that applies developmental theories to the interviewee's life story. The essay examines various aspects of adult development, including guilt reflection, identity crisis, role confusion, isolation, generativity, stagnation, despair, shame, and mistrust. The assignment aims to provide a practical understanding of how individuals organize their lives, the impact of significant events, and the application of psychological theories to real-life experiences. The interviewee, a 50-year-old woman, discusses her life, including the impact of her mother's death, her divorce, and her relationship with her son, offering insights into her experiences and feelings. The essay applies developmental theories to explain her experiences.