This project examines the role of digital workplace transformation in overcoming the impact of COVID-19, focusing on a case study of ASDA. The research aims to understand the conceptual framework of digital workplace transformation, identify challenges faced by ASDA in the absence of such transformation during the pandemic, and examine the role of digital solutions in mitigating these challenges. The project management plan outlines the scope, cost (€150), and work breakdown structure. Methodologically, the research employs positivism philosophy, a deductive approach, primary and secondary data collection, and survey research strategy with random probability sampling. Data is presented through frequency tables, highlighting challenges in communication and data security, and the role of technology in aligning organizational culture. The project concludes that digital workplace transformation enabled smoother business operations during COVID-19, improving overall performance, and recommends further adoption of market trends. The student reflects on the development of research and communication skills gained through this project, with references to relevant literature on CRM, customer satisfaction, and service quality.