An Analysis of Marketing Communication Mix and Brand Loyalty at BMS


Added on  2022/01/18

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This report delves into the critical aspects of marketing communication within the context of Business Management School (BMS) in Sri Lanka, addressing the increasing competition among educational institutions. It investigates the impact of various marketing communication mix elements, including advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and internet marketing, on brand loyalty among students. The study explores the current marketing communication strategies employed by BMS, considering the competitive landscape of higher education in Sri Lanka, and aims to identify the most significant forms of marketing communication that contribute to student loyalty. Through a literature review and a quantitative primary research approach using questionnaires, the report seeks to determine the relationship between the marketing communication mix elements and brand loyalty at BMS, considering factors such as gender, age, education, and religion. The ultimate goal is to provide recommendations for more efficient and effective use of marketing communication to enhance branding and ensure the sustainability of BMS.
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The Study of Marketing Communication Mix elements and
aspects of Brand Loyalty
at Business Management School
1.0 Introduction
The competition among educational institutes are increasing day by day. Whereas, to
face the storm of competitive environment, Business Management School should be
equipped with strong communication tools. According to Kotler and Keller (2016), the
marketing communication represents the voice of the brand. In Sri Lanka, there are
nearly seventy foreign educational institutions, which provides the same foreign
qualifications locally (Hiran, 2014). Nevertheless, many Sri Lankan youth are finding
ways for higher education in other countries. According to a 2017 university world news
report, Sri Lanka’s fifteen state universities admit only twenty-three thousand students
annually, which is out of 220,000 who sits for Advanced Level examination every year.
The same year 12000 students reportedly seek university education abroad. Further, to
the reason insufficient capacity to pursue student demand. Therefore, it is important for
higher educational institutions to communicate the quality of service and the availability
to expand the local market share (Sheau-Ting, Mohammed and Weng-Wai, 2013).
Furthermore, Todorova (2015) illustrates that since the higher education market is
becoming more competitive, it is essential for institutes to back up with strong sales and
advertising communication that will connect with students instantly and effectively
highlight and value of the product offered and the brand differentiation from others.
Marketing communication is an integral part of any organization particularly where the
sales volumes are concerned (Todorova, 2015). Communicating to the customer is
important, as awareness is generated through communication. Marketing mix is a
comprehensive tool Education industry is a growing sector globally even during the
pandemic. Hence the competition within the sector is evident and Marketing plays a vital
role in this context (Marketing Communication mix of Universities: Journal of
Competitiveness, 2011). Therefore, it is important to highlight the programs offered by
the BMS and competitive advantages to influence student’s direction towards Business
Management School.
Business Management School has a long standing history of twenty years in the
Educational sector by providing higher education by collaboration with Northumbria
University, Napier Edinburgh, Thammasat University, Thailand and Teesside University
in UK and resulted in diversified degree pathways in Business & Management,
Biomedical Science, Banking & Finane, Biotechnology and Design (BMS, 2020).
Further, all BMS programmes are quality assured by Edexcel (BMS, 2020). Moreover,
according to the TNA Survey (Training Needs Analysis) 2014, BMS has been listed
among the best 43 higher education institutions in Sri Lanka which established its
quality of service and has created strong influence towards BMS Stakeholders.
However, empirical studies have revealed that the survival in higher educational

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industry is hard as a result of robust competition (Grover, Vriens and Tellis, 2011),
where the path has created rapidly for the need of utilizing the marketing
communication effectively to exists in the educational sector successfully (Eagle et al.,
2014). Compared to, processing of marketing communication and forming a successful
institutional brand of BMS by enhancing the identity, image of branding sufficiently is
one of the key factors in winning new students (Pelsmacker, at al., 2001). Adding to,
BMS currently involving in Advertising in newspapers and Magazines, Broadcast Media,
Electronic media and display media, Online and Social Media Marketing, Mobile
Marketing, Sales Promotions, Direct and Database Marketing, Personal Selling,
Electronic Word of Mouth and Word of Mouth Marketing and Public relations and
Publicity (Andreasen, 2002). Moreover, sponsoring events and Experiences (Kotler and
Armstrong, 2016). Further, the Marketing and Recruitment department of BMS are
conducting the process of communication to respective stakeholders (BMS news,
1.2 Research Problem
Importantly, as mentioned above, since student have limited entry gains to local
Universities, Private institutes has emerged during the past few Years (University World
News Report, 2013). This has led to competition and marketing is an important part of
attracting students. Marketing communication is important, however there are several
marketing communications (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Hence this study is timely to
identify the most significant form of marketing communication which will contribute to
loyalty of the students. (University World News Report, 2013). Whereas, to face the
demand of the educational centers, it is vital use the diverse communication methods to
embed the name of Business Management School in the minds of Students. Hence this
study is timely to identify the most significant form of market communication, which will
contribute to loyalty of the Students
1.3 Research Aims and Objectives
This study will employ the marketing communication Mix elements of advertising, Sales
Promotion, personal selling, Public Relations, Internet Marketing, Word of Mouth and E-
Word of Mouth to improve the Brand Loyalty at Business Management School.
Further, in doing so this study will address the following questions:
1. What are the Dimensions of marketing mix?
2. What are the current marketing communication mix used at Business
Management School?
3. To what extend does Marketing Communication mix impact on Loyalty of
Students at BMS?
4. Whether the Gender, Age, Education and Religion have an impact on marketing
communication Mix elements at BMS?
5. Whether the Gender, Age, Education and Religion have an impact on brand at
Loyalty BMS?
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6. Whether there is a relationship between marketing communication mix elements
and Brand Loyalty?
As Such, this research pursues to achieve the following objectives with regard to the
research aim and questions -
1. To review literature to identify, analyse and determine the relationship between
the marketing communication mix elements and brand loyalty at Business
Management School.
2. To review literature to analyse the concept of marketing communication mix and
its elements
3. To conduct a quantitative primary research by means of questionnaires to
identify the impact of the marketing communication mix elements and brand
4. To draw conclusions and establish recommendations to employ elements of the
marketing communication mix more efficiently and effectively for the purpose of
better branding which will ensure sustainability of the BMS.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Marketing Communication
Kotler and Keller (2016) states marketing communication is a process which attempts to
inform, persuade and remind directly and indirectly to target audience, about the voice
of the company and its brands, by which it could build relationship with the consumers
in dynamic marketing conditions. On the other hand, Kotler and Armstrong (2016)
illustrates that marketing communication channels deliver a clear and consistent
message about the organization and its products. Further, to form a successful
university brand among interest groups, pucciarllei and Kalpan (2016) illustrated, it is
vital to improve communication more comprehensively by managing complexity and
uncertainty, clearly to avoid chaos among students and Brooks (2003) advised to
reduce the alternative revenue methods when expanding the market place in Education
Sector. Importantly, when turn the heads towards Marketing communication the
communication mix and integrated marketing communication are hand in hand to
achieve one goal of perfect communication to improve the brand communication in the
company (Kotler and Armstrong, 2016). Whereas, all the communication channels as
discussed above plays a crucial role in achieving the brand equity on customer
satisfaction and loyalty to attract the students to the educational institution (Nam, Ekinci
and Whyatt, 2011).
2.2 Impact of Advertising on Brand Loyalty
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Mehta (2000), elaborated that advertising influenced the consumer’s brand choices and
buying behaviour. Whereas, Ling, Piew and Chai (2010) derives that when
advertisement is being pleasant, Informative and being trustworthy or acceptable the
consumer attitude relates positively towards the advertisement. In addition, Malik,
Ghafoor and Iqbal (2013) affirms that advertisement play a crucial role to boost up the
brand image and consumer buying behavior. On the other hand, Eisend (2006) argue
that there is a persuasive impact
of advertisement and has two-sided effect on top of the positive impact. Consequently,
reid, Luxton and Mavondo (2005) outline that there is a relationship between advertising
and Brand Loyalty. Furthermore, Gordon et al., (2009) cited that it differentiates the
particular product from another product and Lorek et al., (2004) confirms that
advertising is useful when the potential market is important and to increase the market
share. On the other hand, Baxendale, Macdonald and Wilson (2015), argue that
advertising has an Impact of different touch points of marketing communication to brand
2.3 Impact of Sales Promotion on Brand Loyalty
Wierenga and Soethoudh (2010) argue that sales promotions are marketing activities
that has a direct impact for student’s behaviour when selecting a proper educational
institute to continue the higher studies. On the contrary, DelVecchio, Henard and Freling
(2006) cited in Blattberg and Briesch (2012) indicate that sales promotion is less
important to convince Brand Loyalty among interest groups. On the other hand, Kolah
(2013) states using sales promotion has a high impact of Brand Loyalty among
competitors to promote the competitive advantages within the sector. Similarly, Vidal
and Ballester (2005) indicate that sales promotion effects on consumer based Brand
Equity. In addition, Buil, Chernatony and Martinez (2010) argue that the brand image
communicated to students with the sales promotions will not last long and it should be
continuing in every intake to create a positive brand image among students, to build
Brand Loyalty.
2.4 Impact of Personal Selling on Brand Loyalty
Anderson (1996) derives that Personal selling is person to person interaction between
buyer and seller by means of face to face, telephone, email or web conference. Weitz
and Bradford (1999), elaborated that the practice of personal selling in sales
management should be a long-term relationship within buyer and the seller and refers to
direct communication that impetus brand loyalty, adding to above Moncrief and Marshall
(2005) cited that long-term relationship reflects that a firm is being more customer
oriented and focus is on relationship selling and increase the Brand Loyalty. Further,
peterson and Wotruba (1996) cited in Liao, Chen and Hsien (2011), indicates that
personal selling refers to convince the stakeholders stating benefits and information with
direct communication. On the other hand, Poon, Albaum and Chan (2012) cited in
Todorova (2015) argues personal selling is convincing other party successfully to
purchase the product and that will benefit the company. Moreover, there are positive
and Negative impact of personal Selling whereas, a strong bond could create positively

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between the buyer and seller to the reason of the nature of personal selling and could
expand the loyalty. However, the sales activity through meetings are time consuming
and costly (Jobber and Lancaster, 2015).
2.5 Impact of Public Relations (PR) on Brand Loyalty
Heath and Vasquez (2004) states, building relationship with markets, organisations,
audience, publics and target audience. Similarly, Hon and Grunig (1999) Derives that
preliminary goals of public relations is building relationship with the company’s main
constituencies. Further, with public interest the public relations are a tool which creates
the competition among organisaitons (Bernays, 2013). On the contrary, Mikacova and
Gavlakova (2014) indicates that PR is using as a tool in technology in social networking
sites to continue the growth among youth and using both macro and micro blogging to
bombarded the brand Loyalty through brand image. Furthermore, Armstrong and Kotler
(2016) states that PR can serve a strong impact on public awareness compared to any
other promotional tools.
2.6 Impact of Internet Marketing on Brand Loyalty
The trend of internet marketing is growing day by day as a sales technology tool (Kotler
and Armstrong, 2016). Further, the web sites, online social networking, mobile apps
have replaced the sales personals mostly (Kotler and Armstrong, 2016). Significantly,
the internet marketing is the most cost-effective in brand communication method to
increase brand loyalty among consumers (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Moreover, the
important space of internet marketing is paid search or pay-per click ads, whereas 35%
of all searches are studied for product or services (Kotler and Keller, 2016) Further,
Online communities and forums, are another aspects of internet marketing that could
help to develop the brands where consumer groups creates with no interests or firm
affiliations (Kotler and Keller, 2016). On the other hand, Godes and Mayzlin (2004) cited
the key success of these communities is to create individual and group activities that
supports to build bonds with members of the community which will lead to the e-word of
mouth in success of branding. Likewise, the authors demonstrated that there are
positive and negative aspects of internet marketing.
2.7 Impact of Word of Mouth and e-Word of Mouth on Brand Loyalty
Lovett, Renana and Shachar (2013) contends that Brand and word of mouth are
masterpiece of marketing grounds, which consumers spread WOM on brands as a
benefit of emotional and social aspects. Further, Word of Mouth is the strongest and
influential tool compared to other functions of marketing communication tools (Marting
and Lueg, 2013). In contrast, Sundaram, Mitra and Webster (1998) states that WOM is
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a consumer to consumer communications which could be face to face or online, where
it effects directly to the consumer buying behaviour. Nevertheless, Buttle (1998) cited in
Martin and Lueng (2013) argue that WOM influence the consumer purchase decision
making process which hand in hand with the factors of trustworthiness and evidence
where it finds the answers for one of the questions that arises what are the
consequences of WOM?. On the other hand, Cheung, Lee and Rabjohn (2008)
concludes that online forwarding and online chatting between one to another and one to
many is the difference between EWOM and WOM, which strongly ties the internet social
connection and information of relative products and brands that increase the brand
2.8 Brand Loyalty
Brand Loyalty is the positive image that has overwhelmed the mind sent of the customer
to be dedicated to purchase the specific brand continuously (Kotler and Keller, 2016).
Further, as a result of strong mold of marketing communication channels could achieve
a superior branding among students (Ramos and Franco, 2005) and inculcate the name
in the mind of the customers with regard to gain competitive advantages. Similarly,
Chinomona (2016) states that Brand Loyalty is align with brand image, brand trust, and
brand awareness that leads towards proper selection of brand on the perspective of
higher education to continue with. Moreover, branding plays a major role on behalf of
maintaining the customer base with the strategy to create brand Loyalty (Braun, Eshuis
and Klijn, 2014).
2.9 Brand Trust
Brand Trust is the willingness to purchase continuously due to being satisfied from the
initial purchase that the customer did (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). Further, brand
trust is a physiological view of variables that embedded in the mind set of customer
through set of hypotheses regarding the safety and honesty of the brand. People
continue to buy the brand they trust (Sung and Kim, 2010).
2.10 Customer Satisfaction
Importantly, when a customer is happy and satisfied after purchasing a product or
service, customer satisfaction creates there (Grewal et al., 2007). Further, for a
company to be successful long-time, achieve higher market share, to achieve higher
competitive advantages, profitability, reduction in price elasticity, innovations and low
cost productions, customer satisfaction plays a major role. Moreover, the satisfied
customer leads to the brand trust and brand loyalty (Sakar, 2017: Johnson, 2015).
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Conceptual Frame work of Marketing Communication Mix & Brand Loyalty
Personal Selling
Internet Marketing
Sales Promotions
Public Relations
Brand Trust

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Figure: 01: Conceptual Frame work of Marketing Communication Mix & Brand Loyalty
Study hypothesis under examination –
H1 – There is a direct relationship between student’s brand loyalty and the
marketing communication mix elements
H2 – There is a remarkable relationship between Marketing Communication Mix
elements and students brand Trust
H3 – There is a substantial relationship between satisfied student and brand
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
Bryman and Bell (2011) derives that research design is the framework to analyse the
collected data to realise the aim and objectives of the study. Whereas, Saunders, Lewis
and Thornhill (2003) suggested that business research is a process that carefully
analyse and investigate the collected data to find appropriate solutions for the problems.
Therefore, the research philosophy and the choice of approach will be discussed first.
Finally, assess the quality of the study which is relevant to the reliability and validity of
the collected data and outline the ethical concerns that need to be discussed
(Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2003).
3.1 Overview of research
Schauble et al., (2003) states that Research is about discovering the information about
a situation by collecting primary and secondary data which needs to develop design
artifacts, processes. In addition, Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2011) derives the
stratification of the purpose of the research could be threefold of exploratory, descriptive
or exploratory and descriptive.
3.2 Research Philosophy and Choices
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The research will adopt a philosophy of positivism, which the hypotheses will developed
by using existing theory. Whereas, the collected data will be check, confirm or reject the
hypotheses which then the researcher will absorb a survey research strategy to analyse
out of which the marketing communication mix elements that will heavily effects to
Brand Loyalty of Business Management School. Further, Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill
(2011) confirms that philosophy is the wisdom that required to conduct a research and
the path that research is conduct. On the other hand, Antwi and Hamza (2015) derives
that the philosophy could change according to the aims and objectives of the research
and the research project selected. In addition, there are many theoretical frameworks of
philosophy such as epistemology and ontology which comprise positivism,
interpretivism, realism, objectivism, pragmatism and subjectivism (Bryman and Bell,
2015; Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2011). Nevertheless, Bryman and Bell (2011)
elaborated that positivism, interpretivism, realism is included in epistemology.
3.3 Research approach choice
Creswell (2014) indicates that research approach choice depends on the method
selected to collect data. Adding to that, Bryman and Bell (2011) cited in Geisler (2011)
elaborates that inductive refers to the building of theory where from the observation of
specific task will establish a new theory and on the other hand, Nowak, Tarnita and
Wilson (2010) describes deductive approach is a process that applies the theoretical
framework of phenomenon to imperial studies and through observations and findings
develop a preposition which will be examine with the support of the research frame
3.4 Methodical Choice
Marvasti (2018) describes, that research methodology is the framework to guide the
inquiries that found by the researcher. In addition, Crowley (2010) derives, that plan
solution to examine factors that influenced the research is the methodical choice, which
structures to reconfigures the study. Additionally, Ingleby (2012) confirms that there are
three methodical choices in a study that researcher could select, whereas, qualitative,
quantitative and mixed method. However, Terrell (2012) illustrated that qualitative
research is a tool which consequently used for small group of respondents in social
studies and on the other hand, Bryman and Bell (2011) cited in Hodge (2020)
elaborates that quantitative method is a paradigm that uses with appropriate statistical
techniques related to social phenomena to discover to what level predetermined study
variables are occasionally related.
3.5 Research Strategy
Further, research strategy guided the researcher to plan, the overall study executed and
monitor the study (Andersen, 2018). Moreover, research strategy can be in four types,
which is case study, Qualitative interviews, Quantitative surveys and Action Oriented
research Bryman and Bell (2011). Further, Chari et al., (2019) states that the overall
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direction of the study that includes processes where research conducted. Consequently,
the project to determine the impact of marketing communication mix elements on
branding loyalty aspects falls on form of research survey which is a small-scale
research, associated with deductive research approach, where finding answers ‘What’,
‘Where’, ‘How much’, and ‘How many’ questions (Bryman and Bell, 2011). Compared
to, Andersen (2018) derives the survey could conduct as a mode of questionnaires or
3.6 Data Collection
The data collection is to understand the pattern of the research problem and to mitigate
the concerns and gaps, which is using tools in order to collect data (Saunders, Lewis
and Thornhill, 2016). Whereas, it could be primary or secondary data to understand the
imperial study, which is primary data could obtain by observations, interviews,
questionnaires, telephone interviews, e-mail, semi-structures interviews or experiments.
On the other hand, secondary data could collect published books and journal articles
(Bryman and Bell, 2011). Furthermore, the researcher will obtain a survey research
strategy to the factors contributing to the brand loyalty which is the effect of marketing
communication mix elements by mode of questionnaires at BMS Educational Institute.
3.7 Limitations of the research Methodology
Moreover, the drawbacks could occur when conducting the study as being biases due
to weak response or on the other hand the accuracy of the responses received from the
sample respondents and lack of communication with an unorganized questionnaire and
the time spend to conduct the survey will be the obstacles spotlighted by several
authors (Schauble et al., 2003; Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2011; Bowl, Cooke and
Hockings, 2008). Nevertheless, for the strategy to be more efficient and effective where
there are considerable variables which could finely include to the survey.
3.8 Population and Sample
Moreover, as long as the selected population size is large the study should conduct in
highly economical and a timely manner (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2011).
Consequently, the research strategy of survey helps to collect quantitative data which
could use the descriptive statistics (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2011). Further, the
study supports to collect information about the individual’s perception which could
identify from the gathered information rather than gathering information about the
individual perception from observation of behavioural techniques (Bryman and Bell,
2011). Nevertheless, with the consideration of the draw backs occurring in quantitative

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approach and limiting forms of the paradigm using, the following are the study
hypothesis under examination –
H1 – There is a direct relationship between student’s brand loyalty and the
marketing communication mix elements
H2 – There is a remarkable relationship between Marketing Communication Mix
elements and students brand Trust
H3 – There is a substantial relationship between satisfied student and brand
Such as the research, the author identifies students of higher educations of Sri Lanka
as the population. Thus, Taherdoost (2018), confirms that a selection out of the
population referred as the sample. Therefore, the sample selected as the foundation
level, Undergraduates and Graduates at BMS. According to Delice (2001), two main
sampling methods are Probability and non – probability. Compared to, this study will be
a form of probability sampling method, using stratified random sampling, where then the
sample of members from each stratum can be drawn using a simple random sampling.
Further, the subjects drawn from each stratum can be drawn using either proportionate
or disproportionate to the number of elements in the stratum. Moreover, a stratified
sample in which the number of sampling units drawn from each stratum is in proportion
to the population size of that stratum. Consequently, the author intends to distribute 100
questionnaires which is on stratified method and expecting responses from 70 to 80
3.9 Pilot Survey
Lancaster et al., (2010), states that Pilot Survey is a small scale test run that is
conducted prior to the main survey. The feasibility study is important to researcher to
identify the gaps and conduct the main survey successfully. Therefore, the author
conducted a pilot survey by distributing the questionnaire to five students. Elsewhere,
the respondent’s suggestions were taken in to consideration, which is such mentioned
the answers for the influential factors for marketing communication mix over brand
loyalty (Adikaram and Khatibi, 2016). The study further provides an insight into the
research structure with general understanding where justifying the original method of
research (Graham et al., 2001).
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3.10 Research Plan
The research plan will commence on 07th November 2020 and will conduct in three
steps. Formulation of the research proposal and receiving appropriate feedback is the
first step. The second step is the collection and analysis of primary and secondary data
and the third and final step is commencing the findings and presented in report form on
first week of April 2020. The Gantt chart, illustrates the project schedule and summery
elements of the project (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2016).
Task Start Date End Date Duration
Formulate Research Proposal 07 - Nov - 2020 01 - Dec - 2020 23
Submit Research Proposal 04 - Dec - 2020 04 - Dec - 2020 1
Holidays 09 - Dec - 2020 23 - Jan - 2021 46
Review Supervisor’s Feedback 24 - Jan - 2021 28 - Jan - 2021 4
Literature Review 28 - Jan - 2021 10 - Feb - 2021 12
Distributing Primary Research Pilot
12 - Feb - 2021 15 - Feb - 2021 3
Amend, Improve & Distribute Final
17 - Feb - 2021 18 - Feb - 2021 2
Categories, Code & Analyse
20 - Feb - 2021 22 - Feb - 2021 2
Collect & Analyse Secondary Data 23 - Feb - 2021 26 - Feb - 2021 3
Write Draft Report 28 - Feb - 2021 02 - Mar - 2021 2
Submit Report to Supervisor for
04 - Mar - 2021 07 - Mar - 2021 3
Revise report as per Feedback 10 - Mar - 2021 20 - Mar -2021 10
Submit Final Report 04 - Apr - 2021 04 - Apr - 2021 1
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The Gantt chart

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Task Name Octobe
The Study of Marketing
Communication Mix
elements and aspects of
Brand Loyalty at Business
Management School
Formulate Research
Submit Research Proposal
Review Supervisor’s
Literature Review
Distributing Primary
Research Pilot Questions
Amend, Improve & Distribute
Final Questionnaire
Categories, Code & Analyse
Collect & Analyse Secondary
Write Draft Report
Submit Report to Supervisor
for Feedback
Revise report as per
Submit Final Report Submit
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