This project addresses the critical issue of medication errors in healthcare, a significant breach of patient safety. The assignment, in the form of an informational poster, identifies and defines the problem, structured as a clinical question using the PICO framework. The project explores various detection and monitoring techniques, including chart reviews, computerised monitoring, and direct observation, while acknowledging the limitations of each approach. The research employs a comprehensive search strategy using medical databases like PubMed and Cochrane, focusing on evidence-based practices. The analysis includes a literature matrix, critical appraisal using the CASP tool, and synthesis of information to formulate recommendations. The project emphasizes the importance of collaboration among healthcare professionals, system changes, and enhanced managerial supervision to improve patient safety and prevent medication errors. The poster also highlights the significance of training and a culture of safety to reduce the occurrence of medication-related adverse events, and the role of ward-based clinical pharmacists in preventing medication errors.