This case study examines the medication regimen of an 84-year-old patient, Mr. Michael Jedda, who is prescribed multiple medications for hypertension, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation. The assignment focuses on the potential risks associated with these medications, including bleeding due to the interaction of warfarin with other drugs like clarithromycin, benzylpenicillin, and spironolactone. Hypotension risks are also analyzed, considering the combined effects of ramipril, spironolactone, bisoprolol, and oxycodone, along with the patient's renal impairment. The case study emphasizes the nursing role in preventing and managing these risks through regular vital sign monitoring, continuous patient assessment, INR level checks, patient education, and adherence to the rights of drug administration. The nurse's responsibility includes anticipating and mitigating potential adverse effects and drug interactions to ensure patient safety and prevent complications.