This report, based on a student's internship experience, delves into the complexities of organizational psychology and its impact on employee motivation and demotivation. The student explores various motivational theories, including Hertzberg's Two-Factor Theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the Hawthorne Effect, and Expectancy Theory, to analyze factors influencing their own experiences within the workplace. The report highlights how aspects such as managerial support, recognition, and opportunities for career progression positively influenced motivation, while strict company policies, lack of incentives, and a formal work environment contributed to demotivation. By applying these theories, the report provides a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between workplace conditions and employee behavior, emphasizing the importance of organizational strategies to foster a motivated and productive workforce. The student provides a real-world case study, offering practical insights for organizations seeking to enhance employee engagement and achieve organizational goals. The report also examines the impact of factors such as salary delays, lack of informal communication, and long working hours on employee morale and productivity.