This report provides a comprehensive overview of the requirements gathering phase for the 'My Health Record' system, an Australian government initiative for managing health-related information electronically. It includes a stakeholder map identifying key participants such as internal executives, internal operations, external executives, and external operations, along with their interests in the project. A questionnaire designed to gather feedback from stakeholders is presented, covering aspects like administration arrangement eminence, security plan quality, and system compatibility. Furthermore, the report develops a use case diagram illustrating system functionalities such as login, database management, investment handling, information updates, and registration. The roles of various actors, including administrators, doctors, hospitals, patients, and health record managers, are defined. The document concludes with a detailed description of a use case, outlining the pre-state, post-state, flow control, and potential exceptions. Functional requirements, such as easy access to medical information during emergencies and smooth updates to electronic health records, are also specified. The report aims to present a clear perspective of the requirement gathering stage, emphasizing the importance of stakeholder involvement and a structured approach to system analysis.