This report presents a comprehensive Code of Conduct for National Australia Bank (NAB), addressing crucial aspects of ethical conduct within the organization. The code is structured to cover key areas including anti-discrimination policies, with provisions against age, gender, race, and other forms of bias, and also includes a section on exploitation, detailing fair wages, working hours, and zero tolerance for sexual, religious, and minority exploitation. The code further addresses corruption, outlining measures against nepotism, bribery, and fraudulent behavior, alongside a section on dishonest and fraudulent behavior, covering accounting fraud, demand draft fraud, bill discounting fraud, and other fraudulent activities. A crucial element is the inclusion of whistleblower protection, detailing anonymous reporting, privacy, compensation, and protection measures. The report emphasizes the importance of enforcement through organizational policies, clearly defined roles, employee training, and disciplinary actions. The report is based on the provided assignment brief which required research on NAB and its ethical practices, incorporating references to relevant literature and external examples to support the code's principles and guidelines.