This project undertakes a comprehensive system analysis and design for Nova Cosmetics, a wholesaler of cosmetic products. It begins by evaluating different software development models, including Waterfall, V-Shaped, Evolutionary Prototyping, Spiral, and Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), ultimately recommending DSDM as the most suitable approach. The project then delves into the advantages of a computerized system for Nova Cosmetics, such as reduced storage space, enhanced security, improved regulatory compliance, easier retrieval, better collaboration, and advanced backup and recovery capabilities. Furthermore, the project includes visual representations like a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram, a Level 1 Data Flow diagram, an Entity Relationship Diagram, and an Entity Life History Diagram to illustrate the system's structure and processes. The analysis emphasizes the benefits of the DSDM model in the context of Nova Cosmetics' operational requirements, change management, and budgetary constraints, highlighting its flexibility and the importance of documentation at each stage. The project explores the impact of system implementation on various aspects, including data security, compliance, and operational efficiency.