This evidence-based nursing report highlights physical inactivity leading to obesity among Aboriginals, particularly in the Darling Downs and West Moreton region, which has the highest rate of physical inactivity in Australia. The report addresses the role of nursing professionals in educating the youth about the importance of physical fitness to combat obesity. It explores the clinical question of how evidence-based nursing education helps to increase health awareness among Aboriginals regarding physical fitness, thereby decreasing obesity. The evidence search strategy involves online databases, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and a hierarchy of evidence. Key findings from studies by Passmore et al. (2017) and Thurber et al. (2018) emphasize the importance of improving socioeconomic factors through proper education and awareness to promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity among Aboriginals. The report concludes with recommendations for increasing community health interventions and awareness, involving family members, and addressing barriers to follow-up. It also highlights the ethical considerations of cultural sensitivity and respect for the autonomy of service users.