This report presents a sample application for Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval for a research project investigating the effectiveness of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) versus Multiple Dose Injections (MDI) in treating Type 1 diabetes in children and young adults. The project aims to determine which treatment method is more effective, considering factors such as age of dose initiation and HbA1c levels. The research involves collecting data from participants, categorized into CSII and MDI groups, and analyzing it using statistical tools. The methodology includes a detailed outline of data collection techniques, participant recruitment strategies, and data analysis methods. The report also addresses the significance of the research, supported by relevant literature, and outlines ethical considerations, including participant recruitment, data privacy, and informed consent. The study intends to recruit 1000 participants aged 0-18 years and will collect data at three stages: prior to medication, after six months, and after one year. The report highlights inclusive and exclusive criteria for participant selection and describes the statistical tools to be used for data analysis, aiming to provide comprehensive insights into the comparative effectiveness of CSII and MDI treatments.