This report details a cardiovascular assessment of a 65-year-old female patient presenting with acute chest pain, shortness of breath, and jaw discomfort, indicative of acute myocardial infarction. The assessment utilizes the ISBAR framework, outlining the patient's situation, background, assessment findings (including elevated heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature), and recommendations for immediate transfer to A&E with initial interventions like aspirin and morphine. The report includes an ABCDE assessment, analyzing airway, breathing, circulation, disability, and exposure to determine the patient's unstable condition and system abnormalities. It prioritizes actions to prevent deterioration, such as rapid diagnosis, pain relief, and anxiety management. Furthermore, the report connects the nurse's actions with the ACCCN Practice Standards for Critical Care Nurses, providing specific examples of how the assessment and interventions align with these standards. The author reflects on the learning experience, emphasizing the application of the ABCDE approach, communication skills, and adherence to nursing standards in managing the patient's case.