This nursing ePortfolio project outlines a comprehensive plan for nurses to document their skills, experiences, and reflections. The project details the purpose of developing an ePortfolio, which is to record artifacts of knowledge and facilitate the learning process, particularly through reflection. It identifies the ePortfolio platform and the materials/artifacts to be collected, including acceptance letters, certifications, and vaccination records. The plan's relevancy to career development in a nursing specialty is highlighted, emphasizing its role in enhancing work processes and boosting career growth. The timeline for completion and the selection of theoretical/conceptual materials, specifically the Gibbs reflective cycle, are also included. The ePortfolio serves as a record of learning, and the project incorporates outside readings to provide a more clear and concise understanding of the subject. The project emphasizes how ePortfolios assist in career development, offering graduates opportunities to execute their work precisely and analyze achievements and experiences.