This nursing professional portfolio details a student's journey through various clinical placements and academic experiences. The introduction outlines the student's background, motivation for entering the field, and commitment to providing empathetic and competent care. The placement experience record provides detailed accounts of rotations in pre/post-operative medication, oncology, mental health, and acute medical and surgical wards, highlighting the skills and knowledge gained in each setting. The portfolio also includes competency statements and achievements, detailing learning experiences such as stoma management, blood safety, PICC line management, and palliative care. Exemplars of academic work, including a mental health case study, a literature review on communication in dementia, and a teaching session on Warfarin, demonstrate the student's ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. A reflection on a learning contract focusing on pharmacology and pharmacokinetics further illustrates the student's commitment to continuous learning and professional development. The student consistently demonstrates a commitment to ethical practices, patient care, and continuous learning, adhering to the code of ethics and NMBA professional standards.