This project management case study examines the development of an online simulation game for a school of nursing, focusing on the selection of an appropriate agile methodology. The student analyzes and justifies the use of Extreme Programming (XP) over Scrum, highlighting XP's suitability due to its shorter iteration lengths, ability to prioritize features based on nursing student input, and inclusion of engineering practices such as test-driven development and pair programming. The analysis justifies the chosen methodology in terms of the Iron Triangle (cost, schedule, and scope), emphasizing how XP enables the project to be completed within budget and on time while maintaining a high-quality product. Furthermore, the paper briefly addresses the suitability of the methodology in the context of Iwi and Māori organizations, emphasizing the need for appropriate management plans and the reintroduction of traditional knowledge. The student concludes that XP is the most effective methodology for this specific project, providing a detailed comparison between Scrum and XP and underscoring the importance of considering project-specific requirements when choosing a methodology. The case study utilizes APA 6th edition referencing throughout.