This report investigates the relationship between graduation and retention rates in 29 online colleges in the United States using linear regression analysis. The study aims to determine the impact of retention rate on graduation rate. Descriptive statistics reveal average retention and graduation rates of 57.41% and 41.76%, respectively, with higher variability in retention rates. A scatter plot suggests a positive association between the two variables, which is further supported by a regression equation: Graduation rate = 25.42 + (0.29 * Retention rate). The slope coefficient indicates that for every unit increase in retention rate, the graduation rate increases by 0.29 units. The regression model shows a statistically significant positive association. The R-squared value of 0.45 suggests a moderate fit, with retention rate explaining 45% of the variation in graduation rate. Specific cases like South University and University of Phoenix are discussed, highlighting areas for improvement. The report recommends that universities focus on strategies to increase retention rates to enhance graduation rates, such as innovative teaching techniques and improved transparency.