This project presents an object-oriented programming (OOP) analysis and design for an online booking system, specifically tailored for a birthday party club. The project begins with an introduction to OOP principles, emphasizing the use of objects, methods, and data fields. The main body of the project includes the creation of several UML diagrams to illustrate different aspects of the system. A use case diagram is developed to represent the interactions between users (managers and customers) and the system, outlining various functionalities such as login, reservations, and bill payments. A domain model is created to depict the conceptual structure of the system, defining classes like room descriptions, guests, reservations, and payment methods, along with their attributes. A sequence diagram illustrates the interactions between objects like customers, rooms, and transactions in a sequential manner, such as requesting a room and confirming a booking. Finally, a class diagram is developed to detail the classes, attributes, and relationships within the system, including managers, inventory, customers, and rooms. The project concludes by summarizing the importance of OOP in system analysis and design, highlighting the practical application of UML models in real-world scenarios.