This report provides a comprehensive analysis of operations and project management principles, using XYZHotpoint, a home appliance manufacturer, as a case study. The report begins with an introduction to operations and project management, emphasizing their importance in business success. Task 1 critically reviews the implementation of operations management principles, focusing on Six Sigma and Lean principles within XYZHotpoint, particularly in the context of launching a new 58-inch TV. The report details the application of Six Sigma's define, measure, analyze, improve, and control phases, as well as the five lean principles: determine value, map the value stream, create flow, establish pull, and pursue perfection. Task 2 presents a continuous improvement plan for XYZHotpoint, outlining a 'Plan-Do-Check-Act' cycle focused on total quality management to monitor and improve product quality. The plan aims to enhance the quality of the new 58-inch TV and meet customer demands. Task 3 delves into project management, detailing the development of a project life cycle, a business case, a project plan, a work breakdown structure, and a Gantt chart for the new TV launch. Task 4 reviews and critiques the effectiveness of the project life cycle in application to the chosen project. The report concludes by summarizing the key findings and recommendations for XYZHotpoint, emphasizing the importance of effective operations and project management for the successful launch of the new product.