This assignment involves a detailed analysis of four academic papers, each addressing different aspects of organizational analysis. The student critically examines the arguments presented by the authors, the methods employed to gather and analyze data, and the conclusions reached. The assignment requires matching each paper to one of the four rationales for organizational analysis discussed in lectures, based on Hirschheim and Klein's (1989) work, and providing a reasoned justification for the chosen match. The analysis covers papers on ICT in education (Haugsbakk & Nordkvelle), language of learning (Biesta), technology integration (Howard et al.), and technology-rich classrooms (Almås & Krumsvik), exploring different paradigms such as Neo-humanism, Interpretative paradigm, Functionalist paradigm and Relative Structuralism. The student demonstrates an understanding of how knowledge is constructed and legitimized within the context of organizational studies, and how different research approaches shape our understanding of organizations.