This essay explores the effectiveness of organizations operating in the global market, emphasizing the importance of aligning organizational structure and strategies with evolving technological advancements. It defines organizational effectiveness as the ability to meet goals with minimal expenditure, influenced by the collective efforts of individuals, groups, and the entire organization. The analysis considers factors like organizational structure, work processes, workforce, systems, decision-making procedures, organizational culture, and leadership styles. Theoretical frameworks, including personality theories (Myers-Briggs, Big Five), intelligence theories (Two-Factor, Triarchic), and leadership theories (Trait, Style, Contingency, Transformational), are discussed in relation to Human Resource Management (HRM). The essay highlights the role of HRM in managing employees, fostering job satisfaction, and leveraging individual traits and intelligence for organizational success. It also touches upon team building, organizational culture, and the various models of HRM, concluding that organizational effectiveness hinges on the alignment of stakeholders, individual capabilities, and collective measures.