This qualitative study explores the experiences of community palliative care nurses in greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, as they provide home-based palliative care to children with life-limiting illnesses. Through semi-structured interviews with 16 nurses, the study identifies key challenges, including communication difficulties with children and their families, inadequate training and knowledge, personal suffering due to the emotional intensity and workload, and systemic issues such as lack of multidisciplinary support and resources. The study also highlights coping strategies employed by the nurses, which include intrapersonal skills like resilience and finding meaning in their role, interpersonal support from colleagues, family, and patients' families, and systemic supports like debriefing sessions and 24-hour service availability. The findings emphasize the need for improved pediatric palliative care training, enhanced communication skills development, and robust organizational support to ensure the well-being and retention of these crucial healthcare providers and to maintain the quality of pediatric palliative care services.