This essay presents a personal reflection on the ethical development of a counselling student, exploring the various influences that shaped their moral values and ethical thinking. The student, a Ceylonese born in Malaysia, details the impact of their family, including parents and grandparents, cultural background, religious beliefs, education, and personal experiences such as travel and relationships. The essay is structured around an ethical family tree metaphor, with roots representing foundational influences, the trunk signifying significant relationships, branches symbolizing social connections, and leaves representing the student's current values and qualities. The student discusses the importance of church, family business, movies, cartoons, music, and travel in shaping their ethical framework. The essay highlights the role of parental strictness, the value of time spent with grandparents, exposure to different cultures, the influence of religion, and the impact of personal experiences, including an abusive marriage, on their understanding of ethics. The reflection offers insights into how these diverse experiences have contributed to the student's development as a future counselor, emphasizing qualities such as kindness, compassion, and cultural sensitivity. The student shares how the experiences have shaped their ethical framework and prepared them for a career in counselling.