This report provides an analysis of Pizza Hut's service marketing and relationship marketing strategies. It begins by introducing Pizza Hut as a leading global restaurant chain and highlights its commitment to product quality, innovation, and customer service. The report outlines Pizza Hut's service categories, including services for dine-in and online customers, customer recovery, and employee services. A service blueprint is presented, detailing customer actions, onstage and backstage employee interactions, support processes, and physical evidence. The significance of service encounters is discussed, emphasizing customer satisfaction, market share, profitability, customer retention, and referrals. The RATER model (Reliability, Assurance, Tangibility, Empathy, Responsiveness) is used to identify and address service gaps. Managerial implications focus on delivering positive service encounters, improving service recovery areas (customer interaction, processes, and staff management), and implementing models like CHAMPS (cleanliness, hospitality, accuracy, maintenance, product, and speed). The report concludes by recommending diversification and continuous improvement in the service delivery model to maintain a competitive advantage.