This portfolio assignment, submitted for the FY027 module 'Preparing for Success: Self Development and Responsibility,' showcases the student's journey in enhancing their social and ethical awareness, as well as personal development. The portfolio includes a detailed introduction, followed by an analysis of a mini-project workshop's contribution to the student's understanding of social and ethical responsibility. It emphasizes the importance of ethical frameworks, social fairness, and personal responsibility. The assignment also highlights the value of the included appendices, which comprise a personal development plan, SWOT analysis, reading log, time management schedule, communication skills analysis, and various other documents illustrating the student's academic skills and progress. The student concludes with a reflection on the learning experience and provides references. The appendices offer a comprehensive view of the student’s skills and development throughout the module. The assignment fulfills the brief by demonstrating effective communication skills, identifying development needs, and showcasing an awareness of the global context of higher education and employment.