This case study examines the post-operative nursing care of Frank Wright, who underwent a left knee replacement. The assignment details a comprehensive care plan addressing his comorbidities, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obstructive sleep apnea, and smoking. It highlights the importance of monitoring vital signs, neurovascular checks, and managing potential complications like infection and blood clots. The plan includes interventions such as pain management with morphine, preventing deep vein thrombosis with aspirin, and utilizing continuous passive motion to reduce stiffness. The study emphasizes the negative impact of smoking on healing and cardiovascular health, and the nurse's role in smoking cessation interventions. The discharge plan focuses on the patient's ability to perform daily activities independently and the need for follow-up care. The conclusion underscores the benefits of smoking cessation in reducing post-operative risks and the effectiveness of nursing interventions in improving patient outcomes. The article also references several sources to support the information provided.