This report provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the nursing research article "Prechemotherapy Education: Reducing patient anxiety through nurse-led teaching sessions." The assignment addresses key aspects of the study, including the identified problem of patient stress related to cancer diagnosis and treatment, and the research purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of nurse-led chemotherapy teaching sessions. The report details the study's population, interventions (surveys and educational sessions), and outcomes, highlighting the positive impact of education on patient understanding, reduced anxiety, and improved preparedness for cancer therapy. A critical appraisal of the literature review is included, evaluating the quality, currency, and relevance of the cited sources. The analysis also discusses the significance of the research findings for future nursing practice, emphasizing the potential for improved patient care through enhanced pre-chemotherapy education. The report examines the research article in detail, providing a clear picture about pre-chemotherapy education in cancer patients. The article was divided into introduction, methods, results, discussion, strength and limitations, and conclusion.