This portfolio, created by a student for the FY026 module "Preparing for Success: Knowledge and Creativity" at LSST, encompasses various elements designed to showcase the development of employability skills. It includes a reflective summary explaining how ten enclosed artefacts have supported the student's employability journey, aligning with learning outcomes LO2 and LO4. The portfolio contains several appendices: photos of class work, a personal SWOT analysis (LO2), a personal development plan (LO2, LO4), two reading logs (L01, LO3), resources for job hunting, academic resources (BNU E-Library), examples of job descriptions and personal specifications, and a blog post titled "How to Prepare for The Future Job Market?" (LO1, LO4). Furthermore, it incorporates a poster on new features of MS Word (RM Unify version), and a step-by-step guide on how to work together on PowerPoint presentations, all contributing to the student's demonstration of acquired knowledge and skills relevant to the course objectives.