This report analyzes Primark's marketing environment using the PRESTCOM and SWOT frameworks, addressing the challenges and opportunities faced by the retailer. The PRESTCOM analysis covers political factors like Brexit and its impact on economic uncertainty, regulatory factors including employment regulations, economic factors such as the fluctuating value of the Pound, social factors like the rise in plus-size fashion needs and an aging population, technological advancements in e-commerce, environmental concerns and ethical consumerism, competitive pressures from other retailers, organizational aspects of Primark's work environment, and market factors related to Primark's market share and customer base. The SWOT analysis identifies Primark's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, focusing on low prices, ethical consumerism, dependency on the UK market, the absence of e-commerce, plus-size clothing opportunities, and Brexit-related uncertainties. The report emphasizes the significance of entering e-commerce, offering plus-size clothing, and adopting environmentally friendly practices for Primark's future success. It also evaluates Primark's current marketing environment, highlighting its leadership approach, employee motivation strategies, and the need to embrace online sales to remain competitive.