This report analyzes the procurement negotiation conducted by Nick, a procurement manager at Pluribus, an Australian company, with SECBOT, a Singaporean company, for surveillance bots. It examines the three phases of contract negotiation: preparation, negotiation, and agreement, highlighting the importance of thorough investigation, understanding legal backgrounds, and preparing a term sheet. The report emphasizes the role of cultural factors, particularly Hofstede's cultural dimensions, in communication strategies, including power distance, individualism vs. collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs. femininity, long-term vs. short-term orientation, and indulgence. It also discusses the essential elements of a valid contract, including offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention, and how Nick could have improved these aspects. The report offers practical advice on communication with stakeholders, contract terms and conditions, and cross-cultural relations to enhance the procurement process and ensure compliance. The analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in international procurement, focusing on ethical considerations and the establishment of strong, sustainable relationships.