This project presents a proposal for an educational tool designed to address a significant gap in psychiatric nursing practice concerning the use of restraints on patients with psychotic disorders. The project begins by identifying psychiatric nursing as a specialty area and highlighting the potential harms associated with the inappropriate use of restraints. It then identifies an educational gap among psychiatric nurses regarding the effects of restraints, drawing on research to illustrate the lack of knowledge about alternatives and the potential for negative patient outcomes, including psychological distress and compromised therapeutic relationships. The project analyzes the impact of this educational gap, discussing the nurses' perceptions and the potential for patient harm, and identifies the target audience as nurses working in psychiatric wards. The proposed educational tool is a poster presentation designed to educate nurses about the ill-effects of restraints and alternative options. The poster will include definitions of restraints, conditions for their use, relevant laws, potential litigations, and alternative interventions, like behavioral observations. A teach-back session will follow to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool.