This report, submitted for the CAR20001 Future Work Skills assignment, offers a detailed analysis of the psychology labour market, focusing on the occupation of counselling and forensic personnel in Australia. It begins with an introduction outlining the author's professional purpose and links to related occupations. The report then provides a comprehensive job description, including typical tasks, employment sectors, and available employment types, supported by multiple references. Entry requirements, encompassing qualifications, experience, areas of knowledge, capabilities, and skills, are thoroughly discussed. The report also examines occupational labour market trends, specifically within Australia, projecting future growth and providing explanations for these trends. Professional support systems, such as professional associations and registration boards, are outlined, detailing how these groups support individuals in the occupation. The second section shifts focus to employer analysis, specifically the Australian government's health service sector, aligning the employer with the author's career criteria. The report explores the employer's media platforms, recruitment methods, and priorities, offering insights into career planning and job applications. The report incorporates multiple references throughout, adhering to academic writing standards and providing a well-researched overview of the psychology labour market and employer landscape.